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Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover

Showing 99 of 15691

Rollforward to subsecond (ms, ns)

Rollforward to a timestamp with the following format
over 8 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Not under consideration

Parallelize the logs in the online backup image

If you have a large amount of transaction logs created during an online backup operation, and logs are include in the backup image, at the end of the backup Db2 adds the log files to the backup file. Right now it appears to be a serialized operati...
over 4 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Not under consideration

Direct read of Archive logs from TSM server when using db2 rollforward on crossnode restore operations

Usually our Db2 backups to TSM. Occasionally we restore a Db2 system in another operating center from where we have to access to the TSM server for Restore/rollforward. In the target environment the Db2 archive logs are extracted via db2adutl afte...
over 4 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 3 Functionality already exists

Online Backup compatability improvements request.

DB2 LUW still has a numerous commands/statements which are not supported with the ONLINE backup; (and there is no progress through the years):
over 9 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Not under consideration

RECOVER the database into the Alternate location.

We have a lot of cases when we need to RECOVER the database to the alternate location/paths. The RECOVER command doesn't support the relocation of the database.
over 9 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Not under consideration

New ARCHIVE LAG TARGET parameter request.

DB2 doesn't have the parameter which will ensure that each archived log file contains no more than n seconds of changes (like Oracle's ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET), for example, 1800 seconds. So, if DB2 will fill up the log file before the expiration of 18...
over 9 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Not under consideration

automatic maintenance backup -> more backup options(RIMS)

My customer asked how he can configure the automatic maintenance backup in detail (for example PARALLELISM or BUFFERS). It seems that this is NOT possible at the moment. You can only configure some simple options like the target path for example, ...
almost 10 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Not under consideration

Logical Backup

Create “loadable” files foe objects rather than table space dumps. Only base table contents, no indexes
about 10 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Not under consideration

Improve backup configuration

Actually we need to define some environment variables like DSMI_DIR, DSMI_CONFIG to implement a TSM backup. So in case we forget to configure this at first moment we will need to do an instance restart. Would be better to consider some dynamic par...
about 5 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 4 Not under consideration

Pause an online DB2 LUW backup

We would like the ability to pause an online backup in DB2 LUW, then resume it later. Although I selected Linux for the operating system, I would like to see if available on Unix and Windows also.
almost 9 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 1 Not under consideration