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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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All ideas

Showing 15699

Provide an Option to break out of 'bsub' if a job will not submit due to a user hitting their pending job limit

This is a major problem when using a web service to control jobs, you would much rather have the binary end with an exit code than continually block in a loop saying you have reached your pending jobs limit. It's really bad design behavior IMHO.
over 1 year ago in Spectrum LSF / Administration 0 Future consideration

Remove messages such as Grant(source): Grantor=CONTROLM Grantee:DB2DEVGP (Not propagated) from the Compare Report. Compare Report should only list what is going be changed.

The Grant message clutters the report and should only reflect what is changing and not the obvious: Compare table source(CHIC.CAN_MRN_CMP_INF_CMC) and target(LOAD.CAN_MRN_CMP_INF_CMC) No changes to Table Grant(source): Grantor=CONTROLM Grantee:DB2...
almost 4 years ago in Db2 Administration Tool for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Restore at table level

Mainly on auditing needs when you have to get some information from the past or when you need to recover just one table only its nowadays you have to do a complete restore. Would be good to have this feature.
about 5 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 1 Functionality already exists

Design SPSS to Integrate With a Cognos Gateway

Please change SPSS to enable integration to the Cognos Gateway and exploit single signon. Similar functionality is available in Cognos Café.
over 7 years ago in SPSS Modeler / SPSS Modeler 0 Not under consideration

Missing graphical animation indicator for Suspend icon

When Suspending a report there is no graphical animation indication that states if it is working/processing, etc. There should be some indicator implemented for user friendliness.
over 6 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Expand db2pd -reorgs index to cover index rebuilds

Currently, there is no way to monitor index rebuild progress using db2pd. It will be useful for customers to be able to monitor index rebuild progress as they do for index reorgs (db2pd -reorgs index).
over 10 years ago in Db2 / Monitoring 1 Not under consideration

Refresh Command for External Fenced Routines

For our external Stored Procedures (written in Cobol, PL/1, C) we need 1. the flexibility of keepfenced=no to get changes in shared-objects active (i.e: in case of hotfixes) without a restart of db2.2. the speed of keepfenced=yes, because by the s...
almost 4 years ago in Db2 / Configuration Parameters 1 Not under consideration

Show more than one alias in a report

In a report in PAW or PAX it would be helpful to have the possibility to show two alias simultaneously in a report. For example to show both the an ID and the text in two columns in a report.
over 6 years ago in Planning Analytics 2 Not under consideration

Allow users to change their language in profile

Our application is used by people from different countries. At the moment the only option of changing the language in CP4D is to change the default one in the browser. Having the option either on main page or profile would be a lot easier.
over 2 years ago in Cloud Pak for Data Platform 4 Planned for future release

PAW : Dropdown selectors start from the current selection : QoL All users

Currently all drop down selectors in the product start from the top of the list. They would be far more user friendly if, once used, the currently selected item was already available, leading to shortend scroll and hunting times.
almost 4 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration