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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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All ideas

Showing 15699

Rename Virtual Processor Core (VPC) in the DB2 edition-specific license policy.

Rename Virtual Processor Core (VPC) in the DB2 edition-specific license policy. The resource limitations described for Db2 Standard Edition in db2 luw NC reads 'You are restricted to 16 virtual processor cores and 128 GB of instance memory'. ...
over 1 year ago in Db2 / Other/Unknown 1 Not under consideration

Please add the elements to 'LAST_REQUEST_TYPE' in the MON_GET_CONNECTION/MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function.

Please add the values from the following columns to 'LAST_REQUEST_TYPE' in the MON_GET_CONNECTION/MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function. (Please match the value of the STMT_OPERATION column in SYSIBMADM.SNAPSTMT/SNAP_GET_STMT) CALL EXECUTE_IMMEDIA...
over 1 year ago in Db2 / Monitoring 3 Future consideration

Please add the missing SNAPSTMT/SNAP_GET_STMT columns to MON_GET_ACTIVITY.

1.SNAPSTMT administrative view/SNAP_GET_STMT table function is said to be replaced by MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function, but I would like to add the following columns because MON_GET_ACTIVITY does not have them. AGENT_ID STMT_TYPE STMT_OPERATION DEG...
over 1 year ago in Db2 / Monitoring 3 Future consideration

Print to multiple printers in one schedule

Need the ability to print to multiple printers in one schedule. I can work-around this by creating a report view but that is a lot of extra work when you just want to print to two printers. thank you.
almost 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration


Create a SEARCH by stage name Datastage in job in the DFD application. In order to facilitate the finding of the stages in DFD in large jobs.
over 1 year ago in DataStage 0 Not under consideration

Dynamic PDF Secure Password

Customers want to leverage the PDF Secure Password functionality but want the password abstracted away to stored in a database rather than hardcoded in the Cognos job or schedule.
over 1 year ago in Cognos Analytics / Reporting 1 Future consideration

Copy\Paste from other sources into PAW Websheet

Allow copy/paste from other sources into the PAW Websheet. There is no PAW browser add-in, so there is no guarantee as to what that the TM1Web plugin does when used in combination with PAW functionality. We have spoken with PAW Development Manager...
about 5 years ago in Planning Analytics 2 Not under consideration

In horizontal cluster define in two locations

I would like for the the horizontal cluster to include steps to isolate two separate locations of in a horizontal cluster that shares the same $TOP binaries.
almost 7 years ago in Product Master 1 Not under consideration

NOT NULL limitation violation of VARCHAR2 in case federated SELECT ''(empty charactor) from Oracle compati Db2 to Native Db2

[Situation]There is a federated system between VARCHAR2 compatibility off w/ NOT NULL limitation column defined table (actual source table) and VARCHAR2 compatibility on w/ NOT NULL limitation column defined nick name (federated) table.[Current de...
almost 7 years ago in Db2 / Db2 Federation 0 Not under consideration

Dedicated dispatcher for different data sources

We have configuration conflict to set up realm kerberos to connect to different HADOOP systems. In out krb5.conf, We have to hard-coded realm name for the HADOOP system. But this limits us to connect to other HADOOP systems that need different rea...
about 5 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration