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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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Showing 15714

Adding feature to add distribution key on Netezza to clemtemp table and for other tables that were created by Modeler

Please let user define distribution key when Modeler creates temp table (CLEMTMP*****) and it creates table from database export node?If there is no solution or feature to add distribution key to those operation to create Modeler's table to certai...
about 10 years ago in SPSS Modeler / SPSS Modeler 0 Not under consideration

Ability to show blank or custom string instead of #!Security in studios when accessing a secured Transformer cube

If a Transformer cube has custom views, and if some users are part of several custom views, there may be situations where users have rights to see some categories from some dimensions, but not the data at the intersection. In such a case, Analysis...
about 10 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

[SDK and API] - ISO compliance for Symphony Client c++ headers

symphony client c++ header files are not ISO compliant
about 10 years ago in Spectrum Symphony / Version 5.1 3 Not under consideration

Generate XML using Specs Map for multi occurring attributes

Generate XML using Specs Map for multi occurring attributes not supported. This is required to simplify the exports
about 5 years ago in Product Master 0 Not under consideration

Enhancement of View syscat.bufferpools to show alos stmm bufferpool sizes

When a bufferpool size is set to AUTOMATIC, -2 is being retrieved fromsyscat.bufferpools. But customer wants the current number of pages ofautomatic settings also displayed in syscat.bufferpools. Also a new column insyscat.bufferpools should indic...
about 10 years ago in Db2 / Monitoring 0 Not under consideration

Adjusting column status in syscat.tables by synchronizing with column AVAILABLE SYSIBMADM.ADMINTABINFO

Customer mentions that tables which are delivering aSQL1477N should have an inoperative status. But theyhave status 'N' (for normal) insyscat.tables. The only way to retrieve the status of anSQL1477N is to select the column AVAILABLE inSYSIBMADM.A...
about 10 years ago in Db2 / Monitoring 0 Not under consideration

Add a function to determine if we are in the last row of a list or a crosstab

Ability to determine with a report function if we are in the last row of a list or a crosstab in order to apply specific layout (color coding).
about 10 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

[RFE][PIMCO] - Certify Generic Python 3.x

Currently, IBM certify version at subscription level. We request to support Python 3.x in generic way so that it can apply on minor version
about 5 years ago in Spectrum Symphony / Version 7.2.1 0 Planned for future release

Enable to connect PA cloud admin host through citrix Perspectives

Enable to connect PA cloud admin host through citrix Perspectives
about 5 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Search fields from specific datasets

Regarding Cognos Analytics functionality NLP - Natural Language Process. While searching fields using NLP, we get results from entire Cognos server which takes lot of time to search. Can we limit the search option to the Data source/Data Set that ...
about 5 years ago in Natural Language Understanding (NLU) 1 Not under consideration