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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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Showing 15714

Automated Prioritization with Modification

From Top Ten: U.S. Bank (Michelle Wright), Item Number: 2018002, Votes: 20 Global automated prioritization at the file level for all apps with the ability to apply manual prioritization at the file level when needed. Comments: 12/3/18: Not sur...
about 5 years ago in Financial Transaction Manager  / Check 1 Not under consideration

Change fonts of the Recent viewed report

With version 11.1.5 we can't read the full name of the reports when we see the recent viewed reports, the workaround for now is to view the list. It would be great if we can change the font size.
about 5 years ago in Cognos Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Possibility to use Horizontal Page Count in Conditionnal Style

We would like to have the possibility to use the Horizontal Page Count function in conditionnal style.
about 10 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Possibility to expand a tree prompt element even if some elements are breaking hierarchy order

When a user has acces to the total of the hierarchy then doesn't have acces to the next level but has acces to the following level, elements from this level are not accessible from the tree prompt with rootMembers. As the total hierarchy display n...
about 10 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Transformer Data Source Signon loops when it should provide a detailed error message

Viewing the data in Transformer or attempting to build a PowerCube causes the Data Source Signon page to be displayed. User enters credentials and clicks OK. The signon dialog is displayed again and this loop continues. Requested Change.An error s...
about 10 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

The function that is related with decimal point number in LE customization chart.

In LE web GUI, there are some sample charts provided by IBM. Specially, in table chart, we can see decimal point number as like "xx.yy". But, If we tried to make customization chart and express some value as like run_time, its value is so long dec...
about 5 years ago in Spectrum LSF / Reporting/Explorer 0 Not under consideration

Maximo Anywhere should automatically calculate LABTRANS.REGULARHRS

Open a Work Order in Maximo Anywhere Work Execution Scroll down to Actual Labor Tap on + Enter Start Date/Time Enter End Date/Time Tap Create Note that Hours is still 0:00, even after the record has been synchronised to maximo
about 5 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / Solutions 4 Not under consideration

MDM CE cluster integration with IBM Watson Explorer

We have MDM CE cluster of 2 nodes.Watson Explorer is on a separate server.I installed and configured IBM MQ on the same server as MDM CE cluster node 1.When Watson Explorer scheduler report jobs are running on this cluster node 1 MDM CE -> WEX ...
about 5 years ago in Product Master 2 Not under consideration

Get the username or id of the sender in facebook messenger

Currently you support FB Messenger integration but there doesn't seem to be a way to find out who is interacting with the bot. Since the messages are one-to-one and sit in the sender's and bot (page)'s inbox, it would be great to get a unique id (...
about 5 years ago in watsonx Assistant 0 Not under consideration

Symphony C++ API supports openMP

Based on IBM support team, IBM Spectrum Symphony doesn't currently support openMP used by Service Instance processes.
about 5 years ago in Spectrum Symphony / Version 7.2.1 1 Not under consideration