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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 2157

Monitoring capabilities for deployment spaces

As a CP4D administration I need to monitor the resources of the system. Today there is a monitoring for projects and more. But there is no monitoring for deployment spaces.
over 2 years ago in Cloud Pak for Data Platform 0 Future consideration

Feature to preserve offset between job runs and SDCs without enabling failover

Customer is requesting for an option in Control Hub to preserve the offset between job runs without enabling Job Failover. This is because they usually have only 1 SDC running at a time, but when they upgrade to a different SDC engine, they want t...
5 months ago in StreamSets 0 Future consideration

SQL Pushback/Write (presto) with SPSS Modeler in Watson Studio

Pain point: Modeler User cannnot analyze large data on, since SQL Pushback is'nt supported Workaround: Copy the data on to the other RDB. But there is almost no advantage to use Benefit: Modeler user...
5 months ago in SPSS Modeler in Watson Studio 0 Future consideration

Cognos Analytics Dashboard integation with TM1 Planning Analytics

Creating a Dashboard in Cognos Analytics against a TM1/Planning Analytics data source needs better integration. TM1 users become comfortable creating Cube Views so there is an opportunity to integrate the systems by exposing Cube Views in Cognos A...
over 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Dashboard 1 Future consideration

Add an ability to start a q subscription via MODIFY on the Capture started task

Currently Q Capture subscriptions can be interacted with either via MODIFY command invoked on a Q Capture started task, or SQL insert statements executed on table IBMQREP_SIGNAL. For many customers, executing a MODIFY command to perform an action ...
over 3 years ago in Replication: Q-Replication & Availability / Q Replication for Z 0 Future consideration

add doopl in the CPLEX distribution

relying on docplex python API got much easier since docplex was included in the CPLEX product. doopl which is a python package that allows to call OPL model from python code can be download from but having doopl in ...
over 4 years ago in Decision Optimization CPLEX & For Watson Studio / CPLEX Optimization Studio 1 Future consideration

Enable to set storage quota on projects / spaces

We want to avoid possible incidents if a runtime in a project gets out of hand and starts saving too much data locally within the project / space in CP4D. This can cause the underlying PVC to run out of space which can impact other users on the pl...
almost 2 years ago in Cloud Pak for Data Platform 0 Future consideration

Allow for automated migrations from Dev environments to Production (CICD Pipeline)

Allow the automation (CICD Pipleine) to be created between migrating development environment updates to production environment. The current process to run Compare Environment, manually export from dev, manually import to production is not conduciv...
over 2 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / Automation 3 Future consideration

Auto-complete and Function picker for MDX in PAW/PAfE set editor

MDX in the set editor could be greatly enhanced by having auto-complete and a function picker like rules and TI. Edit 2022-06-29: Ideally possible parameters to be shown as well as information just like TI does in PAW 2.0.77. Functionality should ...
about 4 years ago in Planning Analytics 2 Future consideration

RDS Relationship Explorer

I was hoping the relationship explorer would show that a RDS is related to another one, without necessarily drilling down into the individual values in that RDS. A good use case would be the interrelatedness between Alpha 2 Country, Alpha 3 Countr...
5 months ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Future consideration