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please refer to case link below
sample record in import file
{"_id":{"$oid":"5a15e486cf8e89614439bf9d"},"dealerCode":"2007","dealerName":"ACURA PLUS","statementDte":"2017/09/19","depositAmt":55056.01,"creditDebitInd":"AC","depositDte":"2017/09/19","proceedsStrtBlnc":-1652.03,"reserveStrtBlnc":53943.54,"leaseReserveStrtBlnc":0.0,"retailReserveStrtBlnc":0.0,"deals":[{"contract":{"contractType":"Lease","accountNumber":"21221212","consumerName":"TEST12 INC DAY1","vin":"sfd32424fsdfsf"},"proceedsAmt":53857.31,"proceedsGSTAmt":2764.5,"proceedsPSTAmt":0.0,"whlsaleObligation":0.0,"participationAmt":75.0,"participationGSTAmt":3.75,"participationPSTAmt":7.48,"langCode":"EN"}]}
import using utility and when query above data show many digits after decimal point
##Loading json
[db2chmng@chtmsudbsita bin]$ ./
JSON Command Shell Setup and Launcher.
This batch script assumes your JRE is 1.5 and higher. 1.6 will mask your password.
Type -help to see options
Enter DB:mng_tst
IBM DB2 NoSQL JSON API build 1.4.250
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 All Rights Reserved.
nosql>Type your JSON query and hit <ENTER>
nosql>Type help() or help for usage information. All commands are case sensitive.
nosql>use DEALERFUND
CDJSN1214I Switched to schema: "DEALERFUND"
nosql>show collections
CDJSN1123E Unrecognized command: Type "show dbs" to show all schemas
nosql>show dbs
CDJSN0101E Execution failed in the following expression: "importFile"
CDJSN1201I "108" objects were imported in "473" milliseconds.
###query data
[db2chmng@chtmsudbsita bin]$ db2 "select bson_to_json(data) from DEALERFUND.\"FundingStatement\" where json_value(data, '$.dealerCode' returning varchar(10))='2007'"
{ "dealerCode" : "2007", "dealerName" : "ACURA PLUS", "statementDte" : "2017/09/19", "depositAmt" : 55056.010000000002037, "creditDebitInd" : "AC", "depositDte" : "2017/09/19", "proceedsStrtBlnc" : -1652.0299999999999727, "reserveStrtBlnc" : 53943.540000000000873, "leaseReserveStrtBlnc" : 0.0, "retailReserveStrtBlnc" : 0.0, "deals" : [ { "contract" : { "contractType" : "Lease", "accountNumber" : "324323243232234", "consumerName" : "TEST12 INC DAY1", "vin" : "adddADd2eee" }, "proceedsAmt" : 53857.309999999997672, "proceedsGSTAmt" : 2764.5, "proceedsPSTAmt" : 0.0, "whlsaleObligation" : 0.0, "participationAmt" : 75.0, "participationGSTAmt" : 3.75, "participationPSTAmt" : 7.4800000000000004263, "langCode" : "EN" } ] }
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