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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 15654

Ability to discover assets from IA OpenScale data marts

AI OpenScale data marts contain model payload and other deployed model execution metrics from specific WML deployment. This data will be consumed by data scientists. WML has python library for making this data available to data scientists but this...
over 6 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 3 Not under consideration

Make it possible to search Japanese terms in Business Glossary

-Use a real-life scenario to explain the problem statement/pain points When Business Glossary terms are in Japanese, it is not searchable in terms search field. -state your current workaround(s), Search by tags in English. -state any proposed solu...
over 6 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Functionality already exists

enable DB2 table with status AREO for CDC in IDAA

Rabobank would like to have an enhancement that allows for CDC replication to able to be enabled or re-enabled with a table in AREO status in DB2. We understand that since PTF Level 4 we can re-enable a previously enabled table for replication, ev...
over 9 years ago in Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS 1 Future consideration

UNIQUE INDEXES over BIGINT column can't be compressed

unique indexes over id columns (bigint) are not compressed whereas the same unique index over decimal column gets compressedindex compression for unique indexes is urgently needed to reduce disk and memory footprint
over 9 years ago in Db2 / Tables/Index (Range MQ MDC etc.) 0 Not under consideration

Q Replication to allow add/remove member in P2P replication mesh

As we are migrating our DB workload to the cloud we need to have the ability to add/remove members to redefine our P2P multi-master QReplication topology to accommodate for workload growth and making data available closer to customers (application...
over 6 years ago in Replication: Q-Replication & Availability / Q Replication for Z 0 Not under consideration

DB2 for z/OS Statistics Interval allow at 1 second

DB2 for z/OS Statistics trace interval minimum value is not granular enough for some diagnostic situations. Allowing it to be set a a more granular level would be helpful (lower interval).
over 12 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Load Alias on Demand

We used the parameter SkipLoadAlias in the tm1s.cfg to improver server start-up time by 6 %. However, this prevented Alias to be functionally used such as loading data using Alias in place of the principal element name. We would the feature to re-...
about 3 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Gracefully handle table failures & send email alert

When a table fails due to structure or availability changes, the replication set should instead set the failed table to inactive instead of crashing capture. It should also send an email notification to alert of the issue.

Allow the user to save multiple cluster dashboard layouts by name

Right now, the Cluster Dashboard is very monolithic, you every time you go there, you have to set it up the way you like it. Yes, you can save the dashboard, but it would be nice to have multiple saved dashboards so that you can quickly obtain the...
about 3 years ago in Spectrum LSF / Operations/RTM 1 Not under consideration

Allow Tagging of LSF Clusters and Filtering from Dashboard and Managmenet pages

Currently we have a lot of clusters for various functions and purposes. It would be nice to be able to tag clusters by function, production/test/dev, etc and then be able to filter the various pages by tagname. It would help cut down on clutter wh...
about 3 years ago in Spectrum LSF / Operations/RTM 1 Not under consideration