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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 15758

TM1 REST API / ODATA swagger official distribution

From a security and application design perspective we need to restrict which REST API methods can be used by a client when communicating with TM1 Server. In case we place API gateway as a proxy component (to prevent direct connection to TM1 Server...
about 3 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Add support for Java 11 in CPLEX java API

Currently, CPLEX and CPO provide a java API to the engines. This API currently supports Java 8 (IBM SDK and Oracle Java). A more recent versions of Java with LTS is Java 11 - It would be nice if CPLEX Optimization studio officially supports Java 1...
about 3 years ago in Decision Optimization CPLEX & For Watson Studio / CPLEX Optimization Studio 0 Future consideration

Allow multiple Targets in Bar and Column Dashboard visualizations

We are trying to create a plan vs actual cost visualization but want to leverage multiple plans. For instance, we have the plan at the beginning of the year as well as the current revised plan. In both bar and column charts, they have the option f...
about 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Dashboard 0 Not under consideration

DB2 LUW : Trusted contexts over IPC

There are many applications where application and DB is co-located in the same server. User impersonation via trusted contexts helps control the access of the database for individual users even though a common technical ID is seeded in application...
about 2 years ago in Db2 1 Future consideration

Support Snapshot Isolation Level

Today, when our ETL jobs scan large amounts of data from a table with out using RS/RR isolation levels under certain conditions they see duplicate data and/or missing data. This could be caused due to the fact that rows that were already scanned c...
over 4 years ago in Db2 / Other/Unknown 0 Not under consideration

Mangement of private subsets in Planning Analytics Workspace

Ability to manage private Subsets an Views created by Planning Analytics Workspace Users. If these subsets are created by invalid MDX expression, errors in tm1server.log are generated. There should be ability to see these private objects in conten...
over 6 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Repeater like charts creation is not available in the dashboard

Repeater like charts creation is not available in the dashboard, data driven number of charts - repeater like functionality, like exist in report
over 4 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Stored-Proc ADMIN_UTL_SCHEDULE: Add a Stop-Condition to continue when RC > 12 occurs

When a Db2-Utility started by Stored-Procl ADMIN_UTL_SCHEDULE abends the Reason-Code is passed back as the Return-Code. This happens for example if REORG fails due to problems with allocating SORTWORK-Datasets, especially for big tables, or when i...
about 2 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

Allow LISTDEF to be used by REPAIR where appropriate at partition level that includes a range (1:50)

Allow LISTDEF with REPAIR, such as turning off AREO* (NOAREORPENDSTAR) at partition level. This would include a from partlevel to to partlevel. This would reduce the number of REPAIRs that need to be generated.
about 3 years ago in Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Be able to change ‘FROM’ field, when emailing a reprot, be able to type in an AD group.

This way the report would show coming from the area that needs to be contacted if issues or questions. Right now we schedule using the Cognos credentials and so any correspondence is currently sent back to the Cognos Administrator and not the depa...
about 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Other 0 Not under consideration