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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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All ideas

Showing 3429

Option to fix the frames in next generation PAW

Currently a black frame is shown, when clicking on a widget. Especially when data entry ins done, this frame confuses users. It would be great to have an option to fix the widgets. Once fixed, no frame is shown and the dashboard looks like one piece.
about 4 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Delivered

bufferpool metrics: zhyperlink reads + read cpu used

If possible and with minimal overhead, it would be great to have easy access to metrics related to zhyperlink activity in QMON.
about 2 years ago in Db2 Query Monitor for z/OS 1 Delivered

timeout value is set to 5min by default within the redshift-connector.

We are encountering some issues when we try to load the data from DB2>Redshift. The data from DB2 extracted to a file in AVRO format -> Uploaded in S3 -> Calls a COPY command on the Redshift Cluster. The problem is, COPY does execute howe...
about 2 years ago in Connectivity 0 Delivered

Google Cloud Storage bucket region

We would like to use Google Cloud Storage stage to create bucket in our environment. Unfortunately it support only us-region
about 4 years ago in Connectivity 0 Delivered

Controller Web Journal Entry Disappears when user clicks off the input screen

If a user is in the process of entering a journal entry in Controller web, and clicks off the entry window into another part of the controller web screen, the in-process entry is lost without any warning to the user that they will lose their work.
about 4 years ago in Cognos Controller (On Prem and On Cloud) 0 Delivered

stop offloading queries to IDAA when incremental update is no longer updating a table

need to accelerate OLTP DBs for IDAA. As we keep telling that we can now merge both OLTP-Operational queries together on Z., this is something that is already in our way to resolve. First thing they came up with was the fact that they need a way t...
over 10 years ago in Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS 1 Delivered

The setting to disable warning dialog at the time of nodes' reconnection

When you work in SPSS Modeler, you quite often make connection replacements between nodes. Like inbound connection to a node that has already been connected with another node. Having this node accept only one inbound connection, each time a warnin...
about 4 years ago in SPSS Modeler / SPSS Modeler 0 Delivered

MDMCE New UI displays multi ocurrences in a flat manner

MDM CE new UI is very hard to understand when nested levels of multi ocurring attributes are used. There is no indentation to indicate sub-levels of repeating groups.Also, the option to limit the number of ocurrences is missing (e.g. to only displ...
about 6 years ago in Product Master 0 Delivered

New MDX by Design for PA: Stop MUN uniquely identify members.

In the new world of PA, for PAW or Exploration the system uses MDX and MUN (Member Unique Name). The MUN is essentially the pathway for the TM1 dimension element, following the parent child relationships to the root. In Planning Tools (unlike BI) ...
over 6 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Delivered

Allow different HLQ than SQLPA SMPE installed target libraries RFE 126305 allow to specify a different HLQ, than the HLQ of the SQLPA SMPE installed target libraries, so that SANLCSV gets honoured correctly and that later invocations do not ...
over 6 years ago in Db2 SQL Performance Analyzer for z/OS 1 Delivered