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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 15698

Enable more dynamic tags in LSF resource connector

Currently in Resource connector only one dynamic tag called "RC_ACCOUNT" is enabled but we would like to have more such dynamic tags which can be used along with bsub command.Example;Current tag takes only " -P project_name" as a dynamic tag . But...
over 2 years ago in Spectrum LSF / Cloud Bursting 1 Not under consideration

Custom/User Defined calculation should respect underlying calculation logic in the application design.

Custom/User Defined calculation feature in PAW should calculate any Percentage/average for the selected Measures considering the calculation logic designed in TM1 but for measures that are Averages or % for example, PAW currently would only give a...
over 7 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Need UI for collection current status and history

Currently collection don't show what task is processing and what task is finished. For example, after uploading documents, WD just show notification message. But, if the use miss that, user can not recognize whether the process is doing or not.
almost 5 years ago in Watson Discovery 0 Not under consideration

DB2 for z/OS ALTER FUNCTION REPLACE for inline SQL scalar and SQL table functions

Create an ALTER FUNCTION REPLACE statement for inline SQL scalar and SQL table functions such as already exists for compiled SQL functions and native SQL procedures. This would give the ability of the user to modify the source code for these funct...
almost 10 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

Add support for Kerberos authentication for IIDR for SQL Server

Sql server for AlwaysOn configurations require a stand alone Distributor sql server instance. Because of this IIDR needs to double hop connections to this sql instance and in our environment Kerberos authentication is required. Since Kerberos auth...
over 2 years ago in Replication: Change Data Capture 1 Planned for future release

Calculate deserved slots only based on active i.e. non-idle consumers in e.g. Symphony HostFactory symA requestor

This comes from discussion in TS009907566 "Hostfactory scale up while cluster had free slots". "egosh consumer view" provides, in addition to other outputs, "Planned Quota" and "Share Quota", for a particular resource group (RG): "Planned Quota" i...
over 2 years ago in Spectrum Symphony / Version 7.3.2 3 Not under consideration

When going through the ALTER path, Admin tool currently does not allow explicit changes to the history table, due to Db2 restrictions.

When going through the ALTER path, Admin tool currently does not allow explicit changes to the history table, due to Db2 restrictions. However, Db2 does allow a change to a column's default value on the temporal table without changing the same col...
almost 5 years ago in Db2 Administration Tool for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

Cognos Transformer published group cube default location

When cogtr.exe is used how to set default location for publishing the cube groups. For normal cubes we can determine default folder location to publish the built cubes. But for cube groups we cant determine the default location for saving/publishi...
over 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Remove the restriction SQL1407N

When loading a table using a remote cursor on a table containing an XML colum, the load failed with the SQLCODE SQL1407N.
almost 10 years ago in Db2 / Utilities (Export Import Load db2look etc) 0 Not under consideration

Limit dimensionality of annotation cube to only relevant dimensions

Exactly the same as for cell security cubes it should be possible to create cell annotation cubes with only the dimensions defined by the modeler as relevant for commentary. This woudl make annotating cells much more prwerful and easuer for users ...
almost 5 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration