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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 2138

Spark Count Slow Read

Please develop an update to allow Spectrum to read data schema information with multiple executors. Seems to only use 1 or 2 and takes a very long time compared to other YARN based environments that use multiple executors to read the data files fo...
over 5 years ago in Spectrum Conductor / Version 2.3 0 Future consideration

SQL Engine enhancement to support "Db2 mode" SQL syntax rules

(This IDEA item was written based on my own experience in DVM POC test at customer site.) In DVM, SQL syntax rules are based on ANSI-92 standard, not on Db2 for z/OS rules, even in the case where DVM virtual table is defined on Db2 for z/OS table....
almost 6 years ago in Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Spectrum Dashboard

Dear Team, It would be good idea if we have dash board which can help us to understood which sig is down, how many slots are free, resources, failed jobs , logs etc in a single glance in Spectrum conductor. this visualization will help managers to...
almost 6 years ago in Spectrum Conductor / Version 2.3 0 Future consideration

Spectrum Conductor 2.3 Notebook single sign-on support

Support Single Sign on to Jupyter notebooks, from desktop browsers, and convey credentials to ALL connectors for security entitlement tracing. Likely this requires: a) removal of Python tornado, b) connection with SPNEGO technology and c) CHMOD/CH...
almost 6 years ago in Spectrum Conductor / Version 2.3 0 Future consideration

Online remove member

Request to support online member removal from pureScale
over 9 years ago in Db2 / pureScale 0 Future consideration

Synchronize HISTORY file with the TSM server object list.(RIMS)

Since the objects on the TSM server are expired remotely, DB2 is not aware of this because the local HISTORY file does not sync with TSM. What we are requesting is a method to synchronize DB2's HISTORY file with the TSM server object list. This wi...
almost 10 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 0 Future consideration

Improvement in the command get diagnostics

Improve the command get diagnostics command so that we can access through variables to the following information : - the statement SQL text - the package name, stored procedure specific name- the instance name, database name- the value of the host...
almost 10 years ago in Db2 / Application Development 0 Future consideration

Unavailability of ErrorMessage in ZOS Connect

We are creating webservices off of ADABAS using DVM and exposing those using ZOS Connect. My aim is to throw appropriate http error code as the case maybe when an error is encountered. I believe there is no way to do it and we have to interpret th...
about 1 month ago in Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS 0 Future consideration

DB2 12 Support for SPSS 18.5

My client, diamond account in Turkiye and one of the greatest banks, is using DB2 12 which has EOS date at the end of 2025. However, they are unable to use it with SPSS 18.5 as DB2 12 is not supported. They are unable to create critical reports us...
6 months ago in SPSS Modeler / SPSS Modeler 0 Future consideration

enable to fabricate data for tables with circular dependency.

Currently IBM Optim TDF tool doesn't support tables with circular dependency. it doesn't even accept the tables with circular dependency to add into TDF project. We would like IBM to enable TDF to generate data for tables with circular dependency.
over 1 year ago in Optim / Optim Test Data Fabrication 1 Future consideration