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Showing 15758

UI for massive update of enumerated field

For Admin User it's possibile (and very easy) create new a few records in enumareted fields or anable existing ones; but it's very complex to upload massive record or update them... some picklist needs to be resfreshed or implementing with new opt...
over 1 year ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 1 Not under consideration

Need to calculation a summary value for calculated ratios based on calculations and not by average in Dashboard

If we create any ratio calculations in the dashboard by default the resulting value is summed up, which is wrong. Also, if we change the summary property to average then it is giving a value which is nearly right but we are not getting the exact v...
almost 6 years ago in Cognos Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Data in the native format but text as English in TM1web & pmpsvc portal without changing the region/language settings

Sometimes user have the data in excel (may be some extract) and when they try to paste that data on web it doesn’t allow due to web having ‘.’ as decimal separator but excel having ‘,’ as decimal separator. So, to do that they first have to modify...
11 months ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Omegamon clientCorrelationToken

Hi, At IBM Data Studio's driver properties screen, i set clientCorrelationToken=HAKANCORREL value. I can see HAKANCORREL value at BMC APPTUNE's CLIENT COR TKN ANALYSIS (DATA) report. But when i look at the same thread in OMEGAMON CLASSIC INTERFACE...
11 months ago in OMEGAMON XE for Db2 Performance Expert for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Make onconfig parameter SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL dynamically updatable.

Make onconfig parameter SSL_KEYSTORE_LABEL dynamically updatable. The equivalant has already been made dynamically updatable in DB2 -
almost 2 years ago in Informix / Informix Server 0 Not under consideration

SPSS Bulk loader feature in CP4D

In an application modernization scenario, using some cloud pak for data components, the customer needs to read (and write) a large amount of data on various data sources, including Teradata, Hive and Impala. In existing and production workflows in...
about 1 year ago in SPSS Modeler / SPSS Modeler 3 Not under consideration

When saving filters in TASK UI add a 'Save As...' button

In Standard UI , there is an option for 'Save As...' when saving a filter in the grid view. Can we add the same button to TASK UI? This was helpful for when saving multiple filters with very slight differences.
almost 5 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 7 Not under consideration


Since timestamps with timezone specification is not supported into the current last version of IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for zOS 7.1, even if the same functionality is already implemented into DB2 for zOS, SIA asks it will be implemented the s...
almost 7 years ago in Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

A way to save user-specific context in PAW

PAW is missing a way (like cookies) to save selected dimension elements per user, e.g. to provide a user-specific default value. With this it should also be possible to keep elements selected from one PAW workbook to another.
almost 2 years ago in Planning Analytics 3 Future consideration

Rearchitect the colgroup processing to be more granular using multiple sorts as opposed to a single sort or more intelligently avoid the colgroup sort altogether (when possible)

Looking at the job output you sent in, we can see that there are 18 colgroups specified. Based on the current design, we have a single sort for colgroup(s). There are 184310123 rows unloaded The no. of the rows passed to the single dstats s...
about 3 years ago in Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS 1 Not under consideration