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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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Showing 15714

Preview for WebP

Problem Description/Example of Pain Points:Currently, our company handles a large number of images, and the number of images in WebP format is increasing. However, the IPM application lacks the ability to preview WebP images, resulting in signific...
7 months ago in Product Master 0

Report layout is not same as layout of the old version

In the current version/setup, we are running the embedded report library, which may cause slight layout differences in some reports. The embedded report library cannot be modified directly and requires an enhancement or idea request. The current v...
7 months ago in Cognos Controller (On Prem and On Cloud) 1 Is a defect

Allow the transfer/ copy of private views to different users

Public views become too crowded if are used by different departments in the same company. It is relevant and helpful to have a list of department/ standard views available for all interested users. In order to be able to have this list in an effic...
about 1 year ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Applications and Plans: Subtasks

Currently there is only the option to create a task and not subtasks. There is a need for a task to have subtasks, as well as the subtasks to be assigned to different contributors / approvers then the parent task.
about 1 year ago in Planning Analytics 1 Planned for future release

Watchdog/Timeout option for jobs, so jobs that run longer than x minutes are stopped

There are situations where WML and /or spark jobs are hanging/ running to long. My CP4D job developer have a good understanding of how long a job should run. In case of longer running jobs I as a CP4D administrator want that these jobs are aborted...
over 2 years ago in Openscale 0 Not under consideration

Fill gap with Oracle optimizer on RP tables

DB2 optimizer in v10.5/v11.1 has still several weaknesses in generating correct plan when using RP tables, because it bases its plan only on global stats when partition (data and indexes) stats are available. Case TS001150102
about 6 years ago in Db2 / Statements (DDL and DML) 1 Not under consideration

Access management report to show users with their permission on objects

Currently, it is not possible to pull a report who (User, Role, Group) and what access (run, read, full) has to objects (folder, datamodul, dashboard, report...).Also, last-log-in date would be a great advantage to delete inactive users.
almost 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Retain Existing Workbook Permissions on Deployment

Presently, existing workbooks must be replaced when using the deployment process to transfer from one environment to another. This method only allows for the inheritance of the parent folder's permissions or permission retention of the user perfor...
10 months ago in Planning Analytics 1 Future consideration

Turn off change password parameter within PASS tm1web_config.xml

When using native PA security (integrated mode 1) there are occasions where we need to remove the ability for user to check the "Change Password" box, due to the organisations password complexity requirements. Due to domain issues we cannot run ac...
10 months ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

11.1 Visualizations in report studio (bars) need custom sorting

11.1 visuals in report studio need custom sorting and/or TO MATCH DASHBOARDING functionality at the very least. Cannot sort by highest to lowest value. cannot sort by other columns in query
over 4 years ago in Cognos Analytics 3 Planned for future release