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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Showing 15770

Online InfoSphere backup

Currently the backup requires the InfoSphere services to be shutdown, before the application and database backup can be taken. We would like to be able to create a full system online backup, while the InfoSphere services are still running.
almost 6 years ago in DataStage 1 Not under consideration

Use trusted logging with db2audit to protect audit data from instance users and root

On Aix there is a trusted logging which can be used by syslog and AIX auditing. It would be nice if db2 can use this as well to store its audit data. At the moment it is written to Audit Data Path. It would be nice if this can be a character mode ...
over 9 years ago in Db2 0 Not under consideration

PAW Administration - Databases > Threads - Recommended new location for ellipsis or 'More' icon, where 'Cancel' option is found to right of each thread ID.

In PAW Administration, if you navigate to Databases > Threads, and decide that you want to 'Cancel' a thread, the act of locating the ellipsis, where the 'Cancel' option is located, can be difficult if a user is not already aware of the 'Cancel...
almost 2 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

List Current Active users in MER, RMA & AO Facilities

Request for a function to list/display active users (currently logged on FTM users) in the FTM AO Facility . Display the currently active (currently signed in into FTM. Additional Details: Merva can use function DU (Display Users): AC00 MERVA ESA ...
almost 4 years ago in Financial Transaction Manager  / Swift 1 Not under consideration

Automatic sync between notebook and Model Builder Python code

Avoid the frequent and confusing reinitialize of the Model Builder Python code and the source notebook by automatically updating the Model Builder Python code from the notebook.

Password encryption on QMF Server and Data Virtualization Manager and the JDBC driver.

Royal Bank of Canada and likely other customers have the following need. With DVM and the QMF Server and the JDBC Gateway the credential management system of Globals and the AVZDRATH job will be a security\auditing issue. 1) If the users are mappe...
almost 4 years ago in QMF for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Enhance Cognos Whitelist function with wildcards for subdomains

The idea is directly related to PMR TS005171959 and the feature request was recommended by the IBM. Currently the Cognos Whitelist function only allows a list of hard coded domain names e.g. ",, ..." If a user wants to send a...
almost 4 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

DDL creation support thru implicit trusted connection

Trusted context is a very good security mecanism to promote a user from an application server to a specific role. We face 2 problems:- DDL issued from Siebel application server, when applying a change, fails for CREATE TABLE- If user has no direct...
over 7 years ago in Db2 0 Not under consideration

Acme Glass Test 5

This is a very useful idea. It involves: A, B, and C
almost 2 years ago in watsonx Assistant 0 Not under consideration

Populate correct proggname on DSN_QUERYINFO_TABLE when accelerating queries using IBM DSM

We need to correct identify the progname column on the DSN_QUERYINFO_TABLE. While doing the acceleration task on IBM DSM, instead of populating the column with the value of the package, the accelerator populates de column with the value 'SYSLH200'...
almost 2 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration