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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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All ideas

Showing 15771 of 15771

Planning Analytics - Cascading Dimension Selection

Being able to define cascading selection in the PA Workspace. We would like to have an improvement to either use a subset related on another dimension selection, or being able to use variables in the MDX statement to refer to another dimension sel...
almost 8 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Future consideration

Be able to ALTER the partitioning key of a UTS PBR

Currently if the partitioning key needs to be changed this involves a UNLOAD/DROP/CREATE/LOAD which is disruptive. This needs to be changed to ALTER REORG.
almost 4 years ago in Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS 0 Planned for future release

IFCID amendment to include SQL Text

Currently the ifcid 366 and 376 do not always supply the SQL text, but rely on the explain statement cache to supply it. This means SMF extracts rarely supply the SQL text required for these records.
over 6 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Add commit frequency to Modify Recovery utility

If there a numerous rows in SYSCOPY to be modified out the modify job holds locks on SYSCOPY for an extended period of time and can cause timeouts for other processes and utilities that are using SYSCOPY
over 5 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Security Patching

Security fixes to be delivered separately from fix packs and easier to install (e.g., just a zap) for db2 connect. Large installation base require complex scheduling to get security patches updated. Security patching is critical due to regulatory ...
8 months ago in Db2 / Db2 Connect and Drivers 0 Submitted

Add maximal delay constraint for startBeforeStart, startBeforeEnd, ... constraints

I often have a constraint between interval variables that limit the maximum delay between the start/end and start/end of interval variables. I'd like a native, efficient method for implementing this constraint. I currently use constraints using fu...

Simultaneously modifying and deleting governance artifacts and asset

On IGC (11.x) -WKC (4.x) migration projects. Clients developed lots of query that they use to search (with many filters) governance artifacts and asset. They also use this feature to bulk modify and delete the searched data. The search phase could...
over 2 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 1 Future consideration

Provide Replication Center and Replication Dashboard functionality within DSM

We would like to see the Replication Center tool functionality for IIDR Queue Replication added under the Data Server Manager(DSM) Umbrella. Today we are using Replication Center to administer and monitor our IIDR Queue Replication environment. Th...
almost 7 years ago in Replication: Q-Replication & Availability / Q Replication for Z 0 Planned for future release

DataStage (IIS) kafka connector to connect to RBAC enabled Kafka cluster

BOA has a huge Kafka cluster and as per GIS ( Global Information Security), all new platform need to have RBAC enabled and this being the case, we would want to connect DataStage (IIS) using Kafka connector to connect to the Kafka cluster ( with R...
almost 1 year ago in DataStage 0 Under review

Add ability to manage used sender mail address of scheduled mail report output

In our company reports are being scheduled and the output can be sent to multiple mail recipients. Report builders are mostly part of a team and are used to communicate to the organisation as a team by using a team mail address. But, the used send...
over 5 years ago in Cognos Analytics 2 Not under consideration