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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 10282

Enable additional functionality for bursting: email subject/file name based on burst parameters

Right now, to do this functionality relies on using the Event Studio plus cumbersome configuration to get it to work. Having this available as part of the bursting or scheduling configuration would allow for easy setup and more customization out o...
almost 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Reporting 0 Not under consideration

Expanding and collapsing a consolidated member in the Pafe Cube Viewer / Set Editor / Exploration view should always display all the children of the member

Please review the attached word doc, I don't seem to be able to post pictures here so it is a bit tough to explain the use case and detail. Currently if I expand a consolidation after previously hiding one of its children then the child remains hi...
almost 4 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Automatic Version Control

Version control was a great feature, but people who use this UI aren't developers and they generally don't know they needed a back up until they make a mistake they don't know how to undo. I recommend that we keep snapshots of the client workspace...
almost 6 years ago in watsonx Assistant 1 Not under consideration

Data format in Datamodules

I am looking for a feature to change the dataformat of the columns in Data modules.For example: I have create a calculation and it's default format is Decimal. I want to change the format to percentage.
over 8 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Delete expired pages during web crawl

When Watson Discovery Cloud recrawls a website(s) it is only able to update or bring in new content to the collections. It does not have the ability to delete any expired/removed pages from the index. Instead, either a custom solution is needed to...
almost 2 years ago in Watson Discovery 0 Not under consideration

Support of static SQL (SQLJ) for IntelliJ regarding Code completion and Error Detection

A lot of customers are using IntelliJ enterprise wide, while still using static sql in Java and therefore have a heavy need for support of the IDE and not just read log output and match it with the code in the editor.
almost 2 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 3 Not under consideration

Image in an excel report always adding some white space on the right side.

In report when ever image is used extra white space gets added in the cell. The excel cell should span to the size of the image only.
over 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Reporting 2 Not under consideration

add permissions for a group or role in order to see a specific folder when logging in Cognos analytics

For example, folder A contains the reports and the folder B contains the package of the reports. We want that any users who belongs to a specific group or role come directly to folder A when connecting to Cognos via Gateway URI and that they are n...
over 6 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Count Distinct in tables in Dashboard

When I use a calculation with a count distinct within a table in a dashboard, the summary does not show up. It comes up as "N/A". The summary should be calculated with a count distinct.
about 6 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

PAA and Stopping and management of TM1 Services

Many Business Partners would like to have the ability to stop and re-start TM1 services as part of managing their TM1 model.
over 6 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration