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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Showing 15702

Adding forking child to sbatchd can prevent significant delays and cascading problems associated with slow cgroup writes.

Platform LSF's root sbatchd daemon on the execution host gets stuck while writing to one of the cgroup subsystem. This causes the host to show unreachable status, and no new jobs will be dispatched to this host. Jobs which were already running on ...
almost 9 years ago in Spectrum LSF 2 Not under consideration

Repeater in Dashboard: Being able to control the Direction, how many Across and Down

Repeater in Dashboard is way to simplistic. Users should be able to control the Direction, how many Across and Down The moment there's more groups/categories displayed by the current Row/Columns Repeater can handle, it looses it's purpose
almost 6 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

264 VLDB 2012 Track All DB2 Address Spaces Real and Virtual Storage in IFCID 225

With DB2 Ver 10 ECSA consumption has shifted from DB2 DIST address space to the DB2 MSTR address space. This is thread related storage and increases as the number of active DBAT connections increases. There is a need to track this for each individ...
almost 12 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Running the software on Nutanix Hypervisor, i.e Acropolis

No description provided
almost 6 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Bring back the refresh-from-notebook button

In past versions of DO4DSX, there was something like 'refresh from notebook' button in the 'Run Model' tab of the Model Builder. Since the last few releases, that refresh link disappeared. Now I need to reinitialize the model, select the right not...

Fix Pack document to include if content store version is upgrading or not

Client wants to request that the fix pack release document should include the information about -- if the fix pack will be upgrading the content store version- if fix pack is releasing any new features or deprecating any features. Note - a fix pac...
almost 9 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

CLOSE NEVER - Avoid pseudo-close for active datasets and in-memory objects, to avoid sync I/O due to XI

PROBLEM: Our shop has an active 10-way data-sharing environment and we have been fighting for some time to get our group bufferpool Sync/XI hit ratios up above 90%. We appear to be fighting "pseudo-close" in this endeavor. According to our co...
almost 6 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 2 Not under consideration

For drop downs: Dependent values should be automatically removed when person unticks the related drop-down value form another field

This would benefit all the users who are using multiselect drop-down lists, which include additional dependent fields. This would significantly improve the data quality. This is especially needed for the financial fields, however useful for other ...
almost 3 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 2 Functionality already exists

sec_ego_ext_plugin log rollover

For the sec_ego_ext_plugin.a on Sym7.1.2 (and CwS2.2.0/CwS2.2.1) ego version 3.5/3.6, theere does not seem to be a feature supporting log rollover under $EGO_LOGDIR/ego_ext_plugin_client.log and $EGO_LOGDIR/ego_ext_plugin_server.log? They are beco...
almost 6 years ago in Spectrum Symphony / Version 7.1.2 0 Planned for future release

CAM Security for TM1 Connector Stage

Add the ability to authenticate through CAM security in the TM1 Connector stage. Currently it only allows integrated security mode 1 (Native TM1) and Integrated Security Mode 3 (Windows Authentication).
almost 9 years ago in Connectivity 0 Not under consideration