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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 10282

HASH function

Currently the HASH function is implemented as a "User Defined Function" within DataStage. This functionality was developed as-is so it's not working when trying to optimize the job with BalOpt. DataStage development team took the Hash code provid...
over 5 years ago in DataStage 0 Not under consideration

An easy way to average data

Hello, Very recently, I had the need to calculated yearly FTEs in an HR cube. The yearly FTE is the average of months (those with data, that is). The existing function ConsolidatedAverage() does not help: it goes to all the non-zero leaf level cel...
about 1 year ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Add a builtin table function that splits a character string

Db2 12 adds the useful LISTAGG function that aggregates a set of string values into a single string.It would be good to have an inverse: a table function SPLIT that takes a string and a separator, and returns a table of string values.The signature...
about 6 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Is there a way for fastmap updates to interact with workflows

Whilst an auto-start workflow would be capable of starting workflow instances, would it be possible for a fastmap to update the workflow stage e.g. bulk approval or bulk collection of KRIs. I don't think the current offers this capability,...
over 5 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 5 Not under consideration

Add auto calc toggle in PAx cube viewer

Add an autocalc toggle to the cube viewer like the one that exists in the Perspectives cube viewer and Explorations.
over 6 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

More options for PROFILE tables for canceling long runing threads

There isn't any way by db2 to Automatically cancel thread that runing more than x seconds or used more than x cpu. Please add these option and other cancel options to MONITOR THREADS. It is similar to DB24ZOS-I-635 There are many options that toda...
over 2 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

PA Workspace: Search for elements in rows of a exploration

In explorations in PA Workspace, it is not possible to search for single elements, when the dimension is used in Rows. There you can only select and search for Sets and Levels. It would be helpful to be able to search for elements in every selecti...
about 5 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Ability to force IBM LSF Application Center (PAC) to convert userID to lower case

We have PAC hosted on linux environment. Users access it from Windows systems. As PAC is case sensitive, users cannot login until they use lower case user ID to login. So, there should be a way to force PAC to convert user ID to lower cas...
over 1 year ago in Spectrum LSF / End User UI/Applicaton Center 1 Not under consideration

Ability to rotate encryption at rest keys on the Engine

Corporate security has requested us to change the EAR keys on demand as they see having the same key as a security risk. We would like to see a feature to change the .sth and .p12 files in an easier manner.
about 2 years ago in Informix / Informix Server 0 Not under consideration

Extension to Temporal (TimeTravel) SQL

Avoid error SQL20524 RC 3 which is returned once you try specifying a column name instead of a explicit value like in following SQL:SELECT * FROM FACT INNER JOIN TA_DIM_BITEMP FOR BUSINESS_TIME AS OF colts ON = Just to cla...
about 7 years ago in Db2 / Analytical Functions 0 Not under consideration