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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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Showing 10286

Display of Null in Thick client showing as 'empty' in DQEC

When running a data quality rule in thick client and viewing the results, when there are results that have null values, we see NULL in the results view. However, when we view the same results in DQEC, it's just empty fields. I think this is just c...
over 3 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 1 Not under consideration

When Associating a Business Entity be able to select it from Hierarchy

When in an object view a Business Entity must be associated, it would be very useful to be able to select it from the Business Entity Hierarchy. Meaning, to have the same filter that is available on Business Entity Grid View.
almost 5 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 2 Not under consideration

Alter table that has foreign keys

Abilit to alter tables with foreig keys when referenced tables are opened.
over 11 years ago in Informix / Informix Server 0 Not under consideration

QMF for Workstation Build 20231206 - add a bind status message after executing bind.bat file

When performing a bind (bind.bat) using the Export Update Script feature in QMF for Workstation v13.1.1.0 Interim 1 Build 20231206 - during the bind process, it would be helpful to receive a message stating that the bind completed successfully and...
8 months ago in QMF for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

PAfE: UNDEF rule function display as N/A

Using UNDEF rule function returns different results in PAW and PAFE. In PAW it displays #N/A, while in PAFE it’s blank cell. Default server formatting applied. In general PAW and PAfE as standard user interfaces should both work in a consistent ma...
over 2 years ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Multiple TM1 Login Server functionality in PAW Admin Tool

If you're using TM1 authentication mode it relays on only one TM1 login server, and when the admin server related to that TM1 Login server goes down, automatically all connected TM1 Amin servers become unavailable. This poses a big threat to servi...
over 3 years ago in Planning Analytics 2 Not under consideration

Perform rebuild of each index (for a table) in its own transaction

In the current design, all the index rebuilds for a table are performed within the same transaction (as the action that triggered them). If the transaction is interrupted (e.g. user interrupt or dropped session), then the entire transaction is rol...
over 10 years ago in Db2 / Utilities (Export Import Load db2look etc) 2 Not under consideration

Better filter factors - use RI for this

The Db2/LUW optimizer has some algorithms that affect the optimization of queries on that platform based on the fact that RI is involved. But, Db2 for Z can calculate very incorrect filter factors that can be much more correct if Db2 enforced RI w...
over 5 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Removing the dataset upload size limit.

Etisalat wants to migrate their dashboards and reports to Cognos Analytics but are restricted by the dataset size limits.
over 1 year ago in Cognos Analytics / Data Access and Modelling 0 Not under consideration

Cognos Analytics does not suport Google Big Query Data Nested Record Type

Google Big Query supports nested record type .Currently Cognos Analytics has no way of knowing that it is not a VARCHAR, driver will return a RECORD type as a VARCHAR with a string in a JSON format .As a result any nested field with record type re...
over 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration