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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 15691

Ability to browse LSF documentation via version/point-in-time

LSF documentation is not versioned — the documentation you see is essentially the latest version. We often want to know when a particular configuration parameter was first introduced, e.g. if you are running LSF, is configuration paramete...
over 1 year ago in Spectrum LSF / Documentation 1 Not under consideration

DB2/PureScale Support for RoCE EC30 Adapers Under DB2/PureScale V11 + AIX 7.2

Provide support for the DB2/Purescale V11 + AIX 7.2 configuration with the RoCE EC30 (no IP support) adapters. We have 3 clusters using a total of 24 of these RoCE EC30 adapters. This configuration is running in our QA cluster. DB2/PureScale V11 s...
about 5 years ago in Db2 0 Not under consideration

Add Accelerated/NOT Accelerated node to Access Plan Graph when IDAA plug in is NOT installed

When setting query acceleration = enable; externalize the data in DSN_QUERYINFO_TABLE by adding an Accelerated/NOT Accelerated node to Access Plan Graph when IDAA plug in is NOT installed - as is included when the plug in is installed
about 5 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

Pyomo integration

No description provided
about 5 years ago in Decision Optimization CPLEX & For Watson Studio / Decision Optimization for Watson Studio 0 Planned for future release

Enhanced User Input Tools to Meet Alteryx Current Interface Tools

Actor: Users of a particular stream that need to configure and change prompts but do so in a much more intuitive way. Today, SPSS Modeler can prompt the user for a set of parameters that can then be used throughout the stream. The dialog does not ...
over 8 years ago in SPSS Modeler / SPSS Modeler 0 Not under consideration

VEMKD performance improvement by caching VEM_LOGON

When we do regression test say 800 instances, 50K slots, we found out VEMKD thinking a long time. By having checked performance, it took minutes to finish VEM_LOGON. We request to either cache logon information to eliminate unnecessary ones
over 3 years ago in Spectrum Symphony / Version 7.2.1 0 Future consideration

User defined Grid Columns

Introduce the ability for users to amend columns in a grid view swapping in and out object fields
over 3 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 2 Future consideration

Incorporate standard logging of events on OpenPages application server

Our company have a standard in submitting all application logs to our enterprise SIEM tool for monitoring. We had inquired with the OpenPages Product Support team but their response was at the time, no standard messaging capabilities - see TS00260...
over 3 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / Infrastructure/Conformance 2 Future consideration

Enable the Usage of alt. Hierarchies in SUBNM Formulas

When creating a custom or dynamic report the SUBNM element selection is pretty much the heart of those. Allowing Hierarchies to be used in the SUBNM element selection can drastically enhance the end user experience by tailoring the visible element...
over 3 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Use all applicable NUMA Memory information on a machine to determine available Memory resources before dispatching a job to a machine

We were noticing that jobs were being terminated by LSF with the message: TERM_MEMLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF memory usage limit.Exited with exit code 137. Yet, this was happening before the job had even consumed the amount of memory rese...
almost 2 years ago in Spectrum LSF / Scheduling 0 Planned for future release