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Pull Assets for Deprecated Git Project Where Original Owner Leaves

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Problem: When the original owner of a Deprecated Git CPD project leaves an organization (or no longer has an account within CPD), Git Integration for that project breaks. As a result, other users are unable to pull updated assets from GitHub into that project, removing the ability to run jobs or make updates to deployed R/Shiny dashboards.

Error Message: When pulling assets into a Deprecated Git project, we receive the following message: "Couldn't sync. Failed to check merge conflicts"

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have a temporary account create a Deprecated Git project (note that all Git integration is tied to that user's credentials).

  2. Make an update to the linked GitHub repository and pull the updates into the CPD project.

  3. Add a different user to that CPD project and remove the temporary account from it.

  4. Have the different user try to pull assets into the project.

Impact: When someone leaves an organization (especially when that person was responsible for setting up multiple Deprecated Git projects with assets that are tied to scheduled jobs and/or R/Shiny dashboards), it is not possible (from an end user's perspective) to make updates to those jobs or assets.

Root cause: For Deprecated Git, the GitHub token of the user who created the CPD project initially is used (when pulling assets into the CPD project). If a project was created by someone who is no longer at an organization, CPD tries to use this former employee's token and fails.

Workaround: Update the config file for this CPD project (on the backend) to use an active employee's GitHub token instead.

Proposed Solution: Since this issue is fixed for Default Git (where the logged in user's GitHub token is used instead), port this change back to Deprecated Git as well.

Needed By Quarter