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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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All ideas

Showing 15758

Enhance Cognos Whitelist function with wildcards for subdomains

The idea is directly related to PMR TS005171959 and the feature request was recommended by the IBM. Currently the Cognos Whitelist function only allows a list of hard coded domain names e.g. ",, ..." If a user wants to send a...
almost 4 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Use trusted logging with db2audit to protect audit data from instance users and root

On Aix there is a trusted logging which can be used by syslog and AIX auditing. It would be nice if db2 can use this as well to store its audit data. At the moment it is written to Audit Data Path. It would be nice if this can be a character mode ...
over 9 years ago in Db2 0 Not under consideration

Automatic sync between notebook and Model Builder Python code

Avoid the frequent and confusing reinitialize of the Model Builder Python code and the source notebook by automatically updating the Model Builder Python code from the notebook.

IBM.EntityFrameworkCore driver doesn't support GUID and BOOL data types with using db2 i series v7r1 databases

Hi, We are delevoping .Net Core project with EntityFrameworkCore that working with AS 400 i series Db2 V7R1. We use many data types but when we want to use bbolean or Guid field types Db2 says undefined name for boolean(bit) and Guid (uniqueidenti...
almost 4 years ago in Db2 / Db2 Connect and Drivers 0 Future consideration

Optim Db2 LUW - LOAD support in IXF format when there are XML data type fields in the table.

Optim does not support to perform a LOAD process using IXF format when there are XML data type fields in the table. Note that IXF is a more robust/compact format to exchange data between Db2 databases. See cases: TS003467645 and TS003290043 (two d...
almost 4 years ago in Optim / Optim Archive 0 Not under consideration

DDL creation support thru implicit trusted connection

Trusted context is a very good security mecanism to promote a user from an application server to a specific role. We face 2 problems:- DDL issued from Siebel application server, when applying a change, fails for CREATE TABLE- If user has no direct...
over 7 years ago in Db2 0 Not under consideration

Federated functionality across Hybrid Clouds for all Watson Knowledge Catalog capabilities (data governance, data quality, self-serve, data lineage, ...)

General Motors has a scenario which I believe is common and representative to many customers. They have majority of their data currently on prem and they have installed and deployed WKC on-prem. However, they are aggressively moving to the cloud (...
almost 2 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Not under consideration

Enhance CHECK DATA utility: 1) to avoid SCANTAB and SORT when “SINGLE PARTITION IS SPECIFIED”; 2) to add PART range and parallelism option.

Currently Db2 does not provide either a parallelism option or PART range option for running CHECK DATA utility. Instead, as of Db2 V12, only ‘PART integer’ option is provided that repeating TABLESPACE database-name.table-space-name PART integer st...
almost 2 years ago in Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Allow preemption of shared gpu jobs (j_exclusive=no) by higher priority job queues.

We need the LSF support for preemption of shared gpu jobs. Currently GPU preemption is supported only for jobs in mode j_exclusive=yes This is a very big problem as we have a significant waste of gpu memory resource. because if a lower priority jo...
almost 2 years ago in Spectrum LSF / Scheduling 1 Not under consideration

Platform management UI health check enhancements

Situation: Currently there is no single holistic UI/command to validate the overall health of CPD and installed cartridges' /modules. Pain Point: some functionality or dependencies could be missing and users, application support would not know and...
almost 4 years ago in Cloud Pak for Data Platform 5 Functionality already exists