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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 15764

Add Option to Create a new job step to Action Menu of Report

Currently, we add new reports to an existing job by navigating to the job and editing it by adding a new job step. Our idea is to add an option to the Action Menu of the report which would allow us to add it it to an existing job. There is current...

Implement a project search feature that allows users to filter and search for projects based on connection type (e.g., DB2).

Implement a project search feature that allows users to filter and search for projects based on connection type (e.g., DB2). This enhancement would enable users to easily find all projects associated with a specific connection type, improving effi...
3 months ago in Cloud Pak for Data / Watson Knowledge Catalog 0 Under review

Enhance email notifications for job completions by providing more detailed information and direct links to results.

Currently, users receive email notifications upon the completion of MDE or DQ rule jobs, but these notifications lack essential details and only include a link to the job log. To improve the user experience and facilitate quicker access to results...
3 months ago in Cloud Pak for Data / Watson Knowledge Catalog 1 Under review

Review automatic prefetch

This IDEA it to request a more dynamic management of PREFETCHSIZE when it is set to AUTOMATIC. The documentation states: "The database updates the prefetch size automatically whenever the number of containers in a table space changes (following su...
about 2 years ago in Db2 2 Not under consideration

Rolling update when using hadr clusters in db2u container environment

When using a hadr cluster with a db2u operator in a container environment it would be nice when changes on the containers (like db cfg parameter updates) are done in a rolling fashion so that the downtime is minimized. For example when changing th...
4 months ago in Db2 0 Under review

Timeout Setting in Planning Analytics as a Service

Currently not an option to adjust PAW/PAfE timeout settings in Planning Analytics as a Service like there is for IBM cloud models. In IBM cloud models, you can easily adjust this setting in PAW Admin. These are the defaults:
11 months ago in Planning Analytics 1 Future consideration

Unable to add Row Filter for Column named as "DWA_Partition_ID (hidden)"

IBM Ticket Number :TS014807855 Issue : I am trying to add a row filter in current subscription. However, the filter is not working. I tried to add the same filter in SQL where condition and it is working fine. I am able to get the result. When sam...
about 1 year ago in Replication: Change Data Capture 1 Future consideration

Table partitioning for column-organized tables

Column-organized tables are currently not supported for table partitioning (e.g. PARTITION BY RANGE)..At the same time, table partitioning is used by many data warehouse customers to speed up ETL activities - e.g.:(a) load new data into a separate...
over 7 years ago in Db2 0 Future consideration

HELM Charts for DataStage Deployment

The impact right now is to change the process and add additional workarounds for datastage at the enterprise level. As a organization, HELM has been adopted as a standard since its an industry level standard for quite sometime. This also allow mor...
6 months ago in DataStage 0 Planned for future release

Enhance Data Tables to add Dynamic Sort functionality

In other Business Analytics applications, their Table/List function set includes the ability for the user to click column headings to change the sort of the data. Data Tables doesn't have this available, which leaves it falling short to the compet...
9 months ago in Cognos Analytics / Reporting 0 Submitted