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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 15654

Add LOB Support for db2 autonomous storedprocedures

Currently it is not possible to use lob attributes in autonomous procedures. To insert large data into db2 outside the "normal" transaction of work it would be usefull to have autonomous procedures which supports lob data
3 months ago in Db2 for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Data security filters on datasets

As a data modeler I want to secure data based on datasets via security filters in data modules. Same type of security filters as for database tables. We have an urgent case now where a dashboard based on uploaded files need to have data security i...
3 months ago in Cognos Analytics / Data Access and Modelling 0 Submitted

Need to separate Config Map from MDM, MDMUI, MQ images to take the benefits of MDM containerized application

We want to avoid fresh installation of MDM in future. Currently, MDM is in a containerized environment. To use the benefits of the same for example easy migration from one DC to other DC, let us know how compatible MDM is for such migration. If no...
3 months ago in Master Data Management 0 Submitted

The ability to view hosts assigned to queues of the same name in the remote cluster when querying bqueues -l

In a multi-cluster environment,When there is a queue of the same name between the local cluster and the remote clusterI hope the local cluster will see HOSTS information of the same name queue of the remote cluster. In a multi-cluster environment,...
3 months ago in Spectrum LSF / Administration 0 Under review

bhosts <single hostname@remote_clustername>

In a multi-cluster environment,bhosts does not support specifying single hostname of remote cluster. projectjiwoo@vwpm224ev16 ~ % bhosts hpcmgr0007hpcmgr0007: Bad host name, host group name or cluster name If we run bhosts <single hostname@remo...
3 months ago in Spectrum LSF / Administration 0 Under review

Expose VSCode Extension Settings to Customize WCA CodeLens

I would like an option to disable the CodeLens WCA context buttons in the VSCode editor. My preference is to copy/paste code snippets into the chat window, or to use the keyboard shortcuts, so the CodeLens buttons often just get in the way and clu...
5 months ago in watsonx Code Assistant Ideas / watsonx Code Assistant (general) 3 Functionality already exists

Please provide a bresources option where we can find the default reservation unit per defined resource: job, task, host

Currently, it's not strait forward for a user to be able to see what the default reservation units are for things like memory, swap, license resources, etc. It would be nice if there were a bresources option to show the default allocation unit's f...
5 months ago in Spectrum LSF / Administration 0 Future consideration

Workflow advanced logic validations and custom error messages

When defining a workflow advanced logic validation with a custom error message the information provided to the user when the validation fails is confusing. The custom error message as define does show in the yellow drop down guidance box that disp...
5 months ago in OpenPages Ideas / Administration 1 Under review

Notification of timeouts via popup or connection indicator in PAx

Would like a more visual indication that you've been timed out from your connection in PAx as it's not easy to tell if you been disconnected. Perhaps a status indicator for when you are connected or disconnected in the menu, or at least a popup no...
over 6 years ago in Planning Analytics 4 Not under consideration

Connection between widget and filter area filters

I would like to specify connection between each filter and each widget. Currently you can't define what widget work with which filter (from filter area). Its all or nothing.
over 6 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration