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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 896

Automatic Montoring / Altering via SNMP

We miss a feature to send alerting SNMP traps about WSL alerts (see Currently only mail to administrators works. This is not very well integration into our compa...
over 5 years ago in Cloud Pak for Data Platform 0 Planned for future release

Need Alphabetical order returned independent of the reporting object

In 11.1 and up you now sort first by object type, but that breaks all the navigation we had to rebuild in moving from 10 to 11. We would much prefer the return of custom sorting, but at the very least need someway to specify a sort order.
over 5 years ago in Cognos Analytics 1 Planned for future release

Db2 LUW - SQL replication should optionally use TRUNCATE when performing a Full Refresh of large tables

Db2 LUW SQL Replication (10.2.1) When you run a Full Refresh of a subscription set, the asnapply utility issues a DELETE FROM <target table> prior to the refresh of the data. For large tables this has a significant and unnecessary overhead -...
over 5 years ago in Replication: Q-Replication & Availability / Q Replication for Z 0 Planned for future release

An enhancement to Object Compare

Our main user of Object Compare is having a problem using the product
almost 3 years ago in Db2 Administration Tool for z/OS 0 Planned for future release

Edit counter dimension in Cognos web

We use dimensions in PL and BAL reporting and therefore also counter dimension in intercompany transactions. It is possible to enter and update this variable in the thick client, but not in the web client. As this is crucial in our intercompany re...
about 7 years ago in Cognos Controller (On Prem and On Cloud) 0 Planned for future release

Catalog Admins should be able to manage Private Assets

Currenty only Asset Owners or Members can view a Private Asset. Admins should be able to take the same actions on private assets as public assets. Admins of a catalog should be able to see private assets to ensure that the correct asset members ar...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Catalog 1 Planned for future release

Build Discovery support for automatic correction of mis-spellings instead of requiring Query expansion to explicitely train Discovery

We are an OEM partner of IBM and have built a Chatbot offering with Watson Discovery search integration. Feedback from one of our Customer's indicates that they are looking for built-in Watson Discovery support for correcting mis-spellings / offer...
over 4 years ago in Watson Discovery 1 Planned for future release

Make CADataConnector API also available for ICP4DS

Notebook is available in Cognos Analytics 11.1 with CADataConnector API. It can be used for making connection to Cognos Analytics ( packages, reports and report output ) with read and write access.
over 4 years ago in Cloud Pak for Data System 1 Planned for future release

Bug Fix - Modfy Session expiration time due to inactivity

WSL v 1.2.3 has been configured for 15 minutes inactivity time-out using the command below. (15 mins is in line with OCBC's security policy) Example.$cat /user-home/_global_/config/jwt/expiry.config xxx It is expected that the system will only log...
almost 6 years ago in 1 Planned for future release

Cleanup user details with bqueues -lr output if they don't have running/done jobs in system

Currently, we can find thousands of entries for all users even though they have ZERO STARTED jobs as listed in bqueues -lr output. For some of larger farms, these entries are close to 7M records and bqueues -lr takes long time to return the data. ...
over 1 year ago in Spectrum LSF / Scheduling 2 Planned for future release