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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Showing 15773 of 15773

Functionality To Pass Dashboard This Tab Filter values with Invert i.e. exclude in drill through

High Level Summary ------------------ Issue IS Dashboard drill-through pass filter values with Invert i.e. exclude Issue IS NOT Dashboard drill-through pass filter values selected Issue IS Dasboard This tab, Global tab and Local filter options Iss...
over 1 year ago in Cognos Analytics / Dashboard 1 Submitted

Unload to file should have option that prevents over writing of an existing file

A customer writes some SQL that captures the pre-data to an unload file and then does the updates/deletes etc. If the SQL is successful and inadvertently run again the initial pre-data will be lost.
over 3 years ago in Informix / Informix Server 3 Future consideration

PureScale HADR to non PureScale HADR

Would like to be able to setup HADR support within a PureScale cluster to a non-PureScale cluster. Rob Lemeuix
almost 10 years ago in Db2 2 Future consideration

Recommend/evaluate indexes – more information for each index

This is a point for tuning with indexes -> Tuning with indexes is still very common and useful. While using recommend and evaluate indexes it is possible to investigate each recommended index by updating USE_INDEX column in the table ADVISE_IND...
almost 5 years ago in Db2 0 Not under consideration

Ability to adjust attributes of users via REST API such as the tenant-id

With use of the REST API we create users in our multi tenant environment to automate the onboarding of new customers and new users. While doing this we would like to assign a user directly to the correct tenant. We experience that adding the tenan...
about 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Administration 0 Future consideration

RPM Package for IBM DB2 Software Installation

Summary: Request for IBM to provide an RPM package for the installation of IBM DB2 software to facilitate easier deployment, management, and integration on RHEL. Description: IBM DB2 widely used database management system in our company. To improv...
6 months ago in Db2 0 Submitted

Questionnaire Assessment to display object that is associated to question in questionnaire template

Currently you can associate an object (risk or control in my case) to a specific question inside of the questionnaire template (See screenshot 1) However, when you are answering this question in a questionnaire assessment there is no link/view to ...
about 2 years ago in OpenPages Ideas / Platform Features 2 Future consideration

Support for database images in Cognos Reports

Our oracle database tables include images stored as BLOB or VARBINARY datatypes. We would like to show these images in a Cognos List Report, to be displayed with rest of data. This functionality needed by multiple county departments.
almost 4 years ago in Cognos Analytics 1 Not under consideration

PAW - Download/Upload Colour Palette (IDs) for environment promotion

PAW Colour palettes can be manually re-created across environments but as each palette is created with a unique paletteId, the colour formatting is lost when we deploy between environments (colour palette needs to be manually re-selected after dep...
over 2 years ago in Planning Analytics 3 Future consideration

Keep 3rd Party Software Current

We have discovered 2 third party products that run inside DSM that were not the current version. One was running with an expired date. Apache Derby and Websphere Liberty software were found to be running old release levels that are not being updat...
over 4 years ago in Db2 / Data Management Console 0 Not under consideration