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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Showing 15763

Add Group By query type to Simulation queries.

Ad hoc and other similar queries available for Simulation data are limited to a configurable number of records allowed. As a result, it is not always possible to get back all of the data of interest in a single Simulation query while also maintain...
over 1 year ago in IBM Safer Payments / Operational 0 Submitted

HeadMap in Dashboard panels

In the task views it is possible to select heatmap as chart type, but creating a panel in the dashboard, heatmap type is not avalilable... while is a very common chart for risk reporting , it's could be very impresive to see ite directly on dashbo...
over 1 year ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 1 Not under consideration

To find the latency breakdowns with the end to end with different components of CDC

We are trying to find the replication latency values for a subscription. We are seeing a value in the MC Performance tab for a subscription wherein we notice that it’s only the target latency value. And we would like to find the latency breakdowns...
over 1 year ago in Replication: Change Data Capture 0 Not under consideration

Automate cvs upload for groups creation on OIDC namespaces

In a dynamic environment many groups are added very often in AD and requires to be added also in Cognos Analytics OIDC namespace. Automation the import of the CVS will improve the time spent to manually import the file. A nice feature will be also...
about 3 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Administration 0 Not under consideration

Enhance PAW Security

Add functionality to assign Workbook security by group. Currently it is done by user.
almost 7 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Functionality already exists

WMLA EDT: Customization, Minimal Example & Documentation

Client asks how to use and customize the elastic distributed training (EDT) feature of WML-A. They explicitly complained about the lack of a detailed documentation (being aware of WMLA/Spectrum Conductor documentation in the knowledge center &...
about 4 years ago in Openscale 0 Future consideration

Allow to change the background of the header to red color to attract users attention to the alerts like migrations or updates on the OpenPages

Users request to change the background of the header to red color to attract their attention to the alerts like migrations or updates on the OpenPages.Now we can only change the text of the header in the application texts, but for users it's not e...
over 1 year ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 2 Under review

DCC graphics - Change the range date

We would like to choose a date range. Currently, there is no way to change the range. Db2/zAI path:Distributed connections Priority levels Location Plot statistics Thanks, Remo
over 1 year ago in Db2 AI for z/OS 0 Future consideration

Ability to Custom size column and rows in Dashboard Tables Object

The table control auto sizes itself based on the data and is typically auto generating the ugliest possible format. Columns are way too big for some values, way too small for others, impossible to make into a small are to display some data. In 11....
over 5 years ago in Cognos Analytics 1 Planned for future release

Compress statement text before insert in Dynamic Statement Cache

GGDB212006 'Compress' statement text of dynamic SQL statements by removing all unnecessary blanks before inserting in DSC. As a consequence statements have to be 'compressed' before comparing it to statements in DSC
about 12 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration