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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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We invite you to shape the future of IBM, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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  3. Get feedback from the IBM team to refine your idea

Specific links you will want to bookmark for future use

Welcome to the IBM Ideas Portal ( - Use this site to find out additional information and details about the IBM Ideas process and statuses.

IBM Unified Ideas Portal ( - Use this site to view all of your ideas, create new ideas for any IBM product, or search for ideas across all of IBM. - Use this email to suggest enhancements to the Ideas process or request help from IBM for submitting your Ideas.

IBM Employees should enter Ideas at


Knowledge Catalog

Showing 65

Export all of Business terms or filtered terms

There is no method to export all of Business terms, they have to be exported per category. In addition, could there be more options to export Business terms based upon search results, predefined category combinations, classifications, tags, etc.
over 4 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Planned for future release

Support Bulk Selection and Import/Export for Data Rule and Quality Rule

数据规则支持多选然后批量运行,质量规则支持批量的编辑、导入、导出。(Data rules support bulk selection and run, and quality rules support bulk editing, importing, and exporting.)
almost 4 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 1 Planned for future release

Primary Key and Relationship Analysis

Currently, through API CTC can only perform Primary Key and Relationship Key analyses for all assets in the enrichment area. We need an API through which we can select individual assets (within an enrichment area) for Primary Key and Relationship ...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Catalog 1 Planned for future release

Catalog Admins should be able to manage Private Assets

Currenty only Asset Owners or Members can view a Private Asset. Admins should be able to take the same actions on private assets as public assets. Admins of a catalog should be able to see private assets to ensure that the correct asset members ar...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Catalog 1 Planned for future release

Support Secure Gateway access to AWS S3 from Watson Studio (WKC, Refinery)

With Multi Cloud environments with AWS, S3 is "VPC"ed and usually does not allow to public access. To make use of WKC (Metadata) /Refinery (Actual Data) capabilities, Secure Gateway support to ISOCS Cluster which is "VPC"ed from IBM Cloud is requi...
over 6 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 2 Planned for future release

Request to Limit Connection Creation Process to the Source DB while running MDI/MDE

For Example: We have an Oracle connection with a limit of 20 User Sessions per user. When we try to run an MDI Job using the Oracle Connection, The MDI is exceeding the limit of Sessions ~20, here the problem is we are running this MDI/MDE on the ...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Planned for future release

Capability to rollback a governance change

Demonstrate how changes to business terms are tracked, ability to revert to a previous version
almost 2 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Planned for future release

Ability to compare profile runs and identify trends over time

Demonstrate the ability to identify data quality assessment's trends over time
almost 2 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Planned for future release

OOTB capabilities to support a business-friendly UI for documenting data quality rules and linkage to scorecards, profiles, rule specifications, mappings, etc.  

Demonstrate the OOTB features to handle: documentation of data quality rules and linkage to scorecards, profiles, rule specifications, mappings, etc. 
almost 2 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 1 Planned for future release

Ability to support automated data certification (e.g. gold, silver, bronze)

Automated process for data certification, based on data profiling/quality assessment (Data Certification – based on data profiling/quality result and standards update metadata with proper certification rank)
almost 2 years ago in Knowledge Catalog 0 Planned for future release