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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 10275

Avoid Reorg Abends by improving estimation of average row length

Today, for estimating the average row length being passed to sort, REORG gets that from catalog statistics with either AVGROWLEN or COMPRESSRATIO. The reason RTS stats is not used, is because RTS only contains the compressed data size.
over 5 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

I would like to force the use of the "DEFER" option on the creation of an index (using Zparm to make it optional).

We have DBAs that at times (accidently) run a "CREATE INDEX" and fail to include the "DEFER" option. This is rather easy to do because the reverse engineering tools fail to create syntax with the "DEFER" option. The creation of indexes can be very...
almost 6 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

Ability to Document Report within Report Studio

The ability to add text documentation to a report at different object levels and the ability to display it to the developer.
over 8 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Watchdog/Timeout option for jobs, so jobs that run longer than x minutes are stopped

There are situations where WML and /or spark jobs are hanging/ running to long. My CP4D job developer have a good understanding of how long a job should run. In case of longer running jobs I as a CP4D administrator want that these jobs are aborted...
about 2 years ago in Openscale 0 Not under consideration

Support for Bit type from MS SQL Server

We use a Bit field as a boolean to indicate if a record is the current record for our customer. Currently, it is not supported and requires casting to another type.
over 5 years ago in Cognos Analytics 3 Not under consideration

Db2 LUW TSM incremental and/or delta backups from FlashCopy off-load server based backup

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany (BaFin) uses the Spectrum Protect Snaphot (SPS, aka FlashCopy Manager, FCM) software to create Db2 FlashCopy Backups and to offload them to a backup system. From this backup system are Db2 bac...
over 1 year ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover 1 Not under consideration

User Access in Application not auto refreshed in Architect basis CAM security

Hello Team, We are using Planning Analytics version and using CAPA (Cognos Analytics for Planning Analytics) for user authentication, Active Directory integration and the Cognos groups are used for managing the user access to the TM1 appl...
almost 2 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Fill gap with Oracle optimizer on RP tables

DB2 optimizer in v10.5/v11.1 has still several weaknesses in generating correct plan when using RP tables, because it bases its plan only on global stats when partition (data and indexes) stats are available. Case TS001150102
about 6 years ago in Db2 / Statements (DDL and DML) 1 Not under consideration

Implementation of field filter function in Watson Discovery

Our customers are using oneWEX's contnet mining and have migrated their miner collection to WD Premium since June of this year. They used the field filter, which was a function of oneWEX, to divide the text in the field. However, WD does not provi...
over 3 years ago in Watson Discovery 0 Not under consideration

Access management report to show users with their permission on objects

Currently, it is not possible to pull a report who (User, Role, Group) and what access (run, read, full) has to objects (folder, datamodul, dashboard, report...).Also, last-log-in date would be a great advantage to delete inactive users.
almost 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration