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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 15707

Provide an option for Deferred merge method in Snowflake destination Deferred merge is a pattern whereby you maintain a temporary or hot data table (1) with changed or new records for an interval of time. When that ti...
about 1 month ago in StreamSets 0 Submitted

Add new Turbo Integrator function that returns current TM1 instance name

Currently, there is no function within Turbo Integrator that returns the name of a TM1 instance when called. TM1 modelers have to either store the instance name in a cube or in a flat file and retrieve at run time. We have functions that return th...
8 months ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Make RESYNC port secured

Why is it useful?Making the DB2 resync port secure will protect it from getting hacked or allowing unsecured connections to a port that could be used to serve data from the mainframe for nefarious purposes beyond two-phase commit work. Who would b...
12 months ago in Db2 / Db2 Connect and Drivers 0 Planned for future release

Email notification when job or tasks within job fail

We make use of datasets and have a job to schedule the refresh for these datasets every night. Sometimes the refresh fails for some reason. At this moment we don't get any notification that something went wrong. We would like to be able to configu...
over 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Administration 0 Future consideration

Provide Alerts on Long running Jobs based on the historic runs

Can we add a feature to alert DataStage batch administrator based on the history of long running jobs.
9 months ago in DataStage 1 Under review

PAfE DIMNM performance improvement

Perspectives models are unusable in PAfE due to poor performance of DIMNM function as it is currently implemented: http://server:port/api/v1/Dimensions%28%27dimension%27%29/DefaultHierarchy/Members?$filter=Element/Index%20eq%20201 - 12.36secs My p...
over 2 years ago in Planning Analytics 2 Future consideration

Conversion DECIMAL do CHAR

We are in the process of migrating data from Db2 z/OS to Db2 LUW. In our many programs we convert DECIMAL data into CHAR, e.g. to display it on the reports in a readable format. Unfortunatelly Db2 LUW formats data diffrently than Db2 z/OS. Let us ...
12 months ago in Db2 / Application Development 1 Submitted

Affinity scheduling must take L3 cache hierarchy into account

Newer CPUs have multiple L3 caches, with dedicated cores per L3 cache. Running multi-threaded jobs on all cores within a shared L3 cache can reduce runtime in our cases up 70%, compared to running over multiple L3 caches. Think of the AMD EPYC 935...
4 months ago in Spectrum LSF / Scheduling 2 Planned for future release

Automatic migration of EXPLAIN tables in db2 LUW

Dear Team, We have seen whenever we migrate to higher version of db2 luw, the explain tables are not automatically migrated. We need to manually drop and recreate the explain tables to avoid errors like SQL0206N, SQL0220N, SQL1184N. As db2 modific...
8 months ago in Db2 / Installation & Upgrade 1 Submitted

Filtering & export for activity log

After a while the current activity log will become quite long, and it will have a mixture of different types of content - edits, workflow actions, pure comments etc. It will be difficult to e.g. focus only on comments, because they're mixed with e...
2 months ago in Cloud Pak for Data / Watson Knowledge Catalog 1 Future consideration