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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Showing 15793

IBM Data for Availability V1.2 RFE for tablespaces objects replication

IBM Data for Availability V1.2 (IBM Db2 Replication for Continuous Avalability) lacks replication of CREATE, ALTER, DROP and other statements like authorise and revoke for tablespace objects. When using IIAS console to define table replication whi...

Being able to collect attached file in chat conversation

Hi, It would be great if we could collect a file during a conversation (even small file like word document) Example 1: - A user connect to the chat and want to apply for a job offer after vewing all the current opportunities, he entrer his n...
over 5 years ago in watsonx Assistant 0 Not under consideration

Access LOB data when using the WQLS list for IFCID 0306

The WQLS list allows the IFI READS 306 interface to limit the log records returned into the I306 buffer to just the DB and PS table ID combinations found in the WQLS list. Unfortunately, if you have tables that contain LOB columns you cannot retur...
over 5 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 3 Not under consideration

Using 64-bit common storage with IFI READS 306 (IFCID 0306)

When reading log records using IFI READS 306 we now have the capability of specifying a 64-bit pointer to common storage. The dsnwlir function call requires five parameters. The second parameter is an IFCA pointer and we must set the IFCAFLGS valu...
over 5 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 1 Not under consideration

Excel formatting - apply formatting to new data range as it grows in size

Excel formatting - apply formatting to new data range as it grows in size. e.g. If the data range is 2x2 cells and then an action (e.g. stacking dims on rows/ columns or drilling into a consolidation) increases the data range szie, provided the fo...
over 2 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Support for EC Certs for LDAP Authentication

Please review Case number TS009073292. Hi, We are using SSL to communicate to LDAP Server from Cognos. LDAP team updated certificate but after that Cognos stopped connecting. I tried to import new certificate using steps mentioned at "https://www....
over 2 years ago in Cognos Analytics / Install and config 0 Not under consideration

JGate log file cleanup

We need a way to limit the number of log files that JGate will create.
over 2 years ago in Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS 0 Future consideration

To relax DB2 primary group of instance naming restrictions

My organization has all the users and Groups on active directory. The groups on active directory always get prefixed by some characters which are in Upper case due to the type of group we are requesting. Also addition of this prefix add more chara...
over 5 years ago in Db2 0 Not under consideration

Better preserve formatting information in Endpoint Language Translator

We are building a chatbot with Watson Assistant and would like to integrate the translation service. Technically it works, but we loose many formatting informations while translating (DE to EN or DE to FR). We tried the endpoint document translati...
over 5 years ago in Language Translator (Archived Jan 24 2024) 0 Not under consideration

Trash BIN

If the book is deleted its gone forever right now and there is no way to restore it, it would be great to have the ability to restore deleted books.
over 5 years ago in Planning Analytics 1 Not under consideration