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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 10251

Db2 Unload from a Cursor

Enhance the Db2 UNLOAD utility to perform an unload from a declared cursor
about 6 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

Please provide the last grant time for auth (system/db/schema level) and privilege.

Please provide account creation, deletion, and the timestamp when a particular account was granted auth (system/db/schema level) and privileges on an object. db2luw is branded as an insecure DBMS every time in a security certification audit becaus...
over 1 year ago in Db2 / Security 1 Not under consideration

Support for Cognos Portlets

Cognos 11 no longer support Portlets that we were able to create in Cognos 10 Portal pages.Most commonly used are the Dashboard "multipage" portlet, the Cognos content "IBM Cognos Navigator" portlet and a variety of the "IBM Cognos Utility" portle...
about 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Integration with slack

WCA is useful outside the vscode, and not all developers using vscode. having an integration with slack or as independent plugin. It would be great
6 months ago in watsonx Code Assistant Ideas / watsonx Code Assistant (general) 1 Not under consideration

In Pafe Slicing from the Cube Viewer should have more options or configurable defaults.

At the moment when slicing from the Pafe cube viewer you always get a worksheet added to the existing book. When slicing direct from a view in the task pane you get multiple options (new sheet, new book, at selected cell). We would prefer to be ab...
about 1 year ago in Planning Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Sleep processor

A user's job is to stay in an asleep/hung state, which shows RUN on the LSF side. (due to some zombie process) On the LSF side, I would be nice to have, if the process is in a sleep state for 10 minutes and then kill/stop the process/job. Having a...
about 2 months ago in Spectrum LSF / Administration 1 Not under consideration

Mandatory fields and attachments in plan tasks.

We are using the plans feature in Planning Analytics Workspace to submit KPI results that goes through an approval cycle. We are trying to create a data validation rule that prevents cells to be left empty, so we can be sure that the end users put...
over 1 year ago in Planning Analytics 3 Not under consideration

Db2 client authentication with certificates like SSH (public/private) keys

Provide the possibility to authenticate with public/private certificates for the current client user like SSH does
over 6 years ago in Db2 / Security 3 Not under consideration

Externalize IDAA internal configuration / tuning parameters visible by customer

Wells Fargo’s Audit Department requires monitoring of configuration parameters. At least monthly (in Database Operation case its daily), Enterprise Compute Services (ECS) Drift Identification Automation compares deployed configuration data to the ...
almost 3 years ago in Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS 0 Not under consideration

Create Datasets/Dashboards from an existing Cognos Report

Create a dataset directly from an existing Cognos report and refresh it on a schedule.
almost 8 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration