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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 15657
202 VOTE

Reduce Time Required for Online(Inplace) Reorg for huge tables

1) Inplace reorg will take time more for the tables with huge data say for example 1 TB 2) To Reduce the time for this we want to avoid full table scan hence we need to look in portions of the data in a table where it is getting fragmented 3) Henc...
about 5 years ago in Db2 / Tables/Index (Range MQ MDC etc.) 21 Not under consideration

Add the Rule based mapping support for DB2 range partitioned tables.

Customers are using CDC 11.4 to replicate tables between DB2 11.5 LUW. When altering column definition on these replication tables, they hope to minimize replication downtime between source and target DB. However, CDC only supports DDL replication...
20 days ago in Replication: Change Data Capture 3 Is a defect

Formatting Overlay Cube

I have a cube with a "Measure" dimension, which has elements like "Amount", "Variance %", etc. It also has a "Scale" dimension, which has elements like "Raw", "Millions", etc. I'm trying to achieve the following outcome: Amount, Raw = #,##0.000000...
4 months ago in Planning Analytics 3 Not under consideration

Insync: monitor table status after W8004 failure events

The customer migrated from CDC to Insync; there are some alarms related to CHC0742I/CHC0743I messages (IDLE and ACTIVE status) The message about ACTIVE status (like CHC0743I message) is not available in Insync so manual check are required after W8...
about 1 month ago in Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS 0 Under review

Data input autosaving/submit in PAW websheet without pushing a button

Global configuration ( either at the PASS level or at the websheet level) for activation and deactivation of a direct commit after an end user has inputted data into a websheet like comments or value-data on a leaf level. Currently the user has to...
about 1 month ago in Planning Analytics 0 Future consideration


As we know, user can alter QSUB and add current_timestamp / timestamp column without drop/recreate QSUB. But it is NOT possible to add an *EXPRESSION* without drop/recreate QSUB. With this feature, it's much more convenient without annoy drop/recr...

I'd like to be able to push alerts from DMC to my central monitoring teams and tool (SquaredUp in my case). Or get an API to get alerts.

I'm running Data Management Console 3.1.12 to monitor and manage 125 database in our production environment. Today, the only way I found to get database alerts is to schedule a script that reads the alerts from my repository database and puts the ...
2 months ago in Db2 / Data Management Console 2 Submitted

Supporting alerts in pacemaker configuration to enable a post-failover trigger (e.g. to call any shell script)

Customer has HADR and Pacemaker implemented, their Backup&Recovery solution is CommVault.Log Archiving and Backup is shared by using a Virtual Client Name.But requirement from CommVault after a HADR takeover is to inform CommVault server about...
4 months ago in Db2 / High Availability and/or Disaster Recovery 1 Future consideration

day of the week for time based resource plan

As our workload requirement is vastly different between weekday and weekend. it will be great if Symphony supports different time based resource plan according to the day of the week. even better if IBM could expose rest API for us to alter resour...
11 days ago in Spectrum Symphony / Version 7.3.2 0 Submitted

Rise a limit of 36400 packages to rebind

Please consider rising the limit of packages to REBIND from panels. Currently the limit is 36400 packages to rebind. The problem can be observed on panel ADB21K with REBINDALL command when there is mode than 36400 packages listed. We found that th...
about 1 month ago in Db2 Administration Tool for z/OS 0 Under review