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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

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Showing 15687


Use Case: A table is created with the following column definition: TECHTIMESTAMP GENERATED ALWAYS FOR EACH ROW ON UPDATE AS ROW CHANGE TIMESTAMP The clients use the table (already contains data records), so that values have already been generated ...
22 days ago in Db2 / Statements (DDL and DML) 2 Needs more information
697 VOTE

More Properties/Editing options for Rave 2 Visualizations

We would like more properties/editing options implemented into the new Rave 2 Visualizations (custom palettes specifically). Also would like to have the ability to add conditional formatting or a conditional palette to a visualization.
about 8 years ago in Cognos Analytics 4 Not under consideration

Option to avoid sampling for the distribution statistics without creating an index

Because of a misleading distribution statistic the Db2 optimizer can in some situations choose a very bad execution plan.The reason for this is, that Db2 internally samples data to faster create his distribution statistics. To create an index to a...
2 months ago in Db2 / BLU Acceleration 0 Submitted

"Prevent the dbschema command from incrementing sequence values"

Currently, running dbschema increments the value of sequences, even when it is documented it is the expected behavior, we consider that it is not desireable.
28 days ago in Informix / Informix Server 0 Submitted
606 VOTE

Export Dashboard to PPT/Excel

It would be great if we would have the function (export Dashboard to PPT / Excel). We are having a lot of reviews with the Executives and most of time we are combining charts (e.g. some from Ops and some from other Finance team) into 1 deck, so wi...
over 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 9 Not under consideration able to use the Ozone S3 as Object Storage

The client want to adopt the Ozone S3 Object Storage of Cloudera on to also store data synced from Data Gate for watsonx so that the two platforms can coexist sharing this common layer without requires deploy a new Object Storage clas...
4 months ago in 2
432 VOTE

Reorg Utility Progress data is missing in db2 list utilities and db2 list utilities show detail command

The db2 list utilties and db2 list utilities show detail command will not display the Reorg utility progress. 1) The command will display the Runstats progress details for the table 2) The command will display the Load progress details for the tab...
over 5 years ago in Db2 / Monitoring / Tables/Index (Range MQ MDC etc.) 72 Future consideration

When restoring a Cloud Pak for Data online backup to the same cluster with IBM Storage Fusion, need to eliminate the requirement to manually delete the CP4D instance projects before the restore is con

This idea would be beneficial for CP4D customers who do not have a DR cluster environment and need to conduct backup/restore testing within the same cluster. CLients are risk averse to deleting the namespaces of their instances where the restore i...
about 2 months ago in Cloud Pak for Data / Cloud Pak for Data Platform 0 Planned for future release

Be able to add options in the cross-LOAD command executed by QREP, during a refresh of target tables

Hello there, I have opened one IBM case for this topic. What is the point: We have some troubles with QREP replication.When QREP is trying to do a LOAD REPLACE (via stored procedure DSNUTILU), in the target table, if someone is using the targe tab...
536 VOTE

Allow Custom Sorting of contents like Folders, Reports and Packages

Ability to control custom sorting of contents has been removed from v11. This is highly required item by our business community. Arranging the contents by alphabetical order is not sufficient. Not adding this feature back will be a big negative.
about 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 5 Not under consideration