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Status Functionality already exists
Workspace Db2 for z/OS
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 28, 2023

Modify redirected recovery to recover FROM tablespace where you can SELECT/UNLOAD and not require RECOVERAUTH.

See this idea on

The relatively new Db2 utility enhancement of redirected recovery is very useful

When recovering a target tablespace from another tablespace one must essentially have database RECOVERAUTH on the source tablespace and the target tablespace. (please correct me I am wrong)

Obviously, one needs RECOVERAUTH on the target.

But is it a truly logical and required authority for the source tablespace/object? I think no.

This RECOVERAUTH requirement on the source is a bottleneck if the source is production. And our goal of using redirected recovery is to recover a copy of the prod tablespace into another tablespace in order to look at the data (for whatever reason).

If I was to use UNLOAD and LOAD for this task… then my UNLOAD from the source is based upon UNLOADAUTH or SELECT on the table. That is a much easier requirement to justify. And I essentially have this authority today. The logical extension is to also allow me to RECOVER "from" this tablespace that I can read/select/unload today.

I do not need to “recoverauth” on the source if I am just attempting read it…. I am not planning to ever recover it… I would like to use redirected recovery and recover from it!

My proposal is that IBM enhance Db2 to be more subtle in their authorization required for the sub-case of using redirected recovery and allow use of the utility as described above.

Basically, redirected recovery requires recoverauth on target (as usual) and the source object can be used if one has select/unload or recoverauth on the source.

Does this make sense? If you disagree then please explain. If you want to discuss to make sure I am clean then please contact me.

Otherwise, please consider this enhancement request because I think it will make redirected recovery easier to use and more popular.


I have another RFE for Db2 zOS > 1402

This idea is to allow use of redirected recovery to CHECKSCHEMAONLY. Basically, that idea is to allow redirected recovery to only do the check schema and compare the objects and not do the actual recovery of the target. This will be useful to allow one to validate that the source and target objects are as similar as you think they are … before you actually want/need to do redirected recovery later (you don't want to discover a difference at the last minute)

  • I am thinking, assuming you accept the 1402 idea, that you allow CHECKSCHEMAONLY to be used when one has SELECT/UNLOAD or RECOVERAUTH on both source and target.

  • This will make it easier to use the CHECKSCHEMONLY when one only has SELECT (or UNLOAD) on the source and target… it seems likely that someone who can select both tables might want to use this CHECKSCHEMAONLY just to double check the tables are as identical as they think they are…

Needed By Not sure -- Just thought it was cool
  • Admin
    Janet Figone
    Apr 10, 2023

    Brian, Just a quick update on this idea - it's been moved to 'Functionality already exists' which is more applicable than 'not under consideration'.


    The Db2 for z/OS team

  • Admin
    Janet Figone
    Apr 10, 2023

    Thank you for your feedback, Brian. We are happy to learn our documentation is very clear on the authority required for the source. I have moved this idea to 'not under consideration' as there is no option to 'cancel'. The only other option is to delete the idea.


    The Db2 for z/OS team

  • Guest
    Apr 8, 2023

    please cancel this RFE. It is a mistake. I did not read the documentation properly. THe IBM documentation on authorization required for RECOVER and REDIRECTED RECOVERY is actuall very clear on the authority requried for the source. And UNLOAD on the source is sufficient. I am happy with that. SELECT is not needed.

    Please cancel this RFE
