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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers
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Status Not under consideration
Workspace Db2 for z/OS
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 11, 2015

SQLCODE doesn't provide useful information when performing a SELECT on a DB2 table with Row Access Control implemented

See this idea on

We are planning to use ' Row access control' in DB2 as a solution to share some tables, but giving end-users/processes access only to the data they are allowed to see. We have found it really easy to implement (with the built-in function VERIFY_GROUP_FOR_USE), but we have noticed sqlcode +100 is being returning when they don't have appropriate permissions to see the data, and this way they are unable to know if there are no rows in the table meeting the select criteria or they don't have authorization to see the data.
  • Admin
    Janet Figone
    Jun 8, 2020

    Thank you for submitting this Db2 for z/OS enhancement request.

    We have reviewed this request and believe it is a good candidate for the Db2 for z/OS product. However, it is not in our current roadmap and we are unable to deliver it within the next 24 months. Therefore, unfortunately, we will not be implementing this Idea.

    We appreciate your input to the Db2 for z/OS development team. We also hope that you will continue to submit ideas for improvements as customer feedback is a key component to shaping the future direction of Db2 for z/OS.


    Db2 for z/OS Team