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IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against products and services offered by the IBM Data & AI organization. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 15598 of 15598

PAW - add authentication support by username/password to git repository

Hi, Currently, only authentication by SSH key is possible for pushing/getting TM1 objects inside a git repository. An authentication by username/password should be available too. Some companies, inside Github, disable the possibility to use SSH ke...
about 1 year ago in Planning Analytics 4 Future consideration

Dashboard Drill Through Definition - use datasource data items, not just fields in visuals

When creating a dashboard drill through definition you can only easily use data items that on visualisation to pass through to report parameters. When you have lots of navigation paths it isn't easy to pass through all the appropriate data items t...
6 months ago in Cognos Analytics / Dashboard 0 Submitted
124 VOTE

Option to Run Schedule Once

We were excited to see the My Schedules and Subscriptions menu added to Cognos Analytics 11.0.8, but found there was one option we previously had (and still have in the administration view) is to run a schedule once. Our users who heavily utilize ...
about 7 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

Indicate whether the fallback SPE for Db2 13 migration is installed

As a user planning to migrate to Db2 13 I already activated V12R1M510 on my Db2 12 subsystem. However, I also want to make sure that I have the fallback SPE PH37108 installed. Could this information b...
over 2 years ago in Db2 for z/OS 5 Planned for future release

Data captured in long transactions with guaranteed delivery to destination

It is usefull because sometimes a very long transaction pass through the Capture process but can´t be delivered causing memory lack at destination. The benefit would be not losing the data transferred to the destination. One suggestion would be to...
12 months ago in Replication: Q-Replication & Availability / Q Replication for Z 2 Needs more information

SYSPROC.DB2LK_GENERATE_DDL to become a supported and documented feature and to match db2look

We are using db2 LUW V11.5M8FP0_SB35599 on Linux It is a DPF database. We are using the following 2 db2 tools to generate the DDL of the same database: 1) db2look 2) SYSPROC.DB2LK_GENERATE_DDL - the command used for db2look is the following: db2lo...
12 months ago in Db2 / Db2 on Cloud 1 Submitted

Detect connection status to data source

On several occasions the following scenario has occurred:Lost connection at the origin, however, the subscription remains in the "Mirroring continuous" state, but it is not actually replicating anything, since when validating at the database level...
7 months ago in Replication: Change Data Capture 0 Under review
134 VOTE

export data from tables out of a backup image

Introduce a new parameter to the export utility to be able to export data from a table that is in a backup image.This functionality is especially useful for data extraction without touching/impacting the source system
almost 8 years ago in Db2 / Backup/Restore/ Rollforward/ Recover / Utilities (Export Import Load db2look etc) 2 Future consideration
141 VOTE

Same selected item data in value prompt is sent to the client browser over and over while using drill-through

Same selected item data in Value prompt is sent to client browser over and over while using drill through. When lots of items are selected in Value prompt, this issue causes huge amount of data receiving. Those same selected item data shouldn't be...
over 8 years ago in Cognos Analytics 0 Not under consideration

View file attachments in OP UI without downloading. Also view file attachments in Cognos reports

We would benefit greatly from a built-in file/attachment viewer capability. Something that allows users to view file attachments within the OP UI without having to download them to their workstation. File attachments uploaded in OP are only viewab...
2 months ago in OpenPages Ideas / End User UI 1 Under review